Doctorado en Química


Doctorado en Química

Envíos recientes

  • Maccarrone, María Juliana (2013-09-20)
    La importancia de la hidrogenación selectiva de dobles y triples enlaces carbono – carbono reside en que es una de las reacciones fundamentales para la síntesis de productos de Química Fina y de la industria química en ...
  • Di Luca, Gisela Alfonsina (2013-09-09)
    Se evaluó si Typha domingensis influye en la acumulación y especiación de Cr, Ni, Zn y P en sedimentos. Se realizaron experiencias en invernadero y a campo, en dos humedales construidos para tratamiento de efluentes de ...
  • Schulte, Erica Daniela (2020-12-17)
    El presente trabajo de tesis abarca diferentes aspectos relacionados con el diseño de materiales y la posterior evaluación de la actividad electrocatalítica, utilizando como reacción prototipo una las etapas de la reacción ...
  • Leonardi, Sabrina Antonela (2019-06-28)
    El eje central de la tesis radica en desarrollar papeles cerámicos y aplicarlos como filtros catalíticos flexibles en pos de contribuir a la remediación ambiental. Para la síntesis de papeles se implementó un método dual ...
  • Garcés Pineda, Felipe Andrés (2013-05-03)
    El silicio poroso es un material que se puede obtener por anodizado electroquímico de superficies de silicio. Eligiendo convenientemente los parámetros de fabricación se obtienen estructuras porosas, constituidas de poros ...
  • Stegmayer, María Ángeles (2021-03-23)
    En los últimos tiempos, se generó un gran interés por los catalizadores con una morfología definida, entre los que encontramos: esferas, cubos, barras, fibras. De todas las morfologías, las fibras se destacan por su alta ...
  • Kneeteman, María Nélida (2012-10-17)
    La reacción de Diels-Alder como bloque constructor de anillos carbociclos y heterocíclicos, en una sola etapa, es una de las reacciones más utilizadas en los diagramas de síntesis. A su vez, el uso de compuestos aromáticos ...
  • Dalla Fontana, Agustina (2020-03-13)
    Esta tesis se enmarca dentro del estudio de vectores de energía amigables con el medio ambiente, con el objetivo de aportar nuevos conocimientos en la obtención de H2 mediante el empleo de membranas metálicas. La producción ...
  • Perez, Adrián Alejandro (2012-06-13)
    Las variaciones en composición y funcionalidad de las proteínas del suero lácteo, limitan su aplicación en formulaciones estandarizadas de alimentos coloidales, tales como espumas y emulsiones. Por lo tanto, las estrategias ...
  • Michlig, Melina Paola (2022-07-28)
    Los neonicotinoides se aplican ampliamente porque brindan protección sistémica de los cultivos contra insectos. Sin embargo, varios estudios informaron la translocación de neonicotinoides al néctar y polen de las plantas, ...
  • Luque, Gisela Carina (2018-03-02)
    Oxidation of adsorbed carbon monoxide represents one of the biggest problems to be solved to improve the operation of low temperature fuel cells. Its presence, either as a contaminant in gaseous hydrogen of petrochemical ...
  • Olmos, Graciela Viviana (2016-12-07)
    Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the earth, however, its use is restricted by limitations derived from its structure. Since its melting point is higher than the degradation temperature, its dissolution is the ...
  • Brussino, Paula (2018-02-23)
    Most of the artefacts that we use everyday are manufactured from ethylene. This compound production consumes great amounts of energy.Consequently, new routes for its production are being studied, i.e. the oxidative ...
  • Marín Ramírez, Oscar Alonso (2013-03-25)
    En este trabajo se fabricaron dispositivos basados en silicio poroso nanoestructurado, con el fin de estudiar y caracterizar sus propiedades de transporte eléctrico, buscando acumular datos que permitan en un futuro ...
  • Alcaraz, Mirta Raquel (2016-12-27)
    In this work, different strategies for multidimensional data generation were evaluated, and potentialities of chemometrics algorithms were explored for the analysis of complex samples. Analytical methods were developed for ...
  • Ballarini, Adriana Daniela (2009-06-26)
    En esta tesis se desarrollaron catalizadores de Pt para la deshidrogenación de parafinas livianas n-butano a butenos y pesadas n-decano a 1-deceno con sus capacidades hidrogenolizantes e hidrocraqueantes pasivadas. ...
  • Bravo, María Virginia (2015-12-11)
    In this thesis approach a topic of particular interest in the study of ionic liquids, their physicochemical properties and molecular microscopic, as well as the binary its mixtures with molecular solvents and water. Ionic ...
  • Luggren, Pablo Jorge (2015-03-11)
    In this thesis, the gas-phase conversion of 2-hexanol, a model molecule of the primary conversion of sugars, was investigated on Cu-Mı-Mıı mixed oxides (Mı, Mıı: Mg²⁺, Al³⁺, Ce⁴⁺) with different copper content (0.3-61.2 ...
  • López Baena, Anna Francesca (2016-03-22)
    In this work we studied a series of polar Diels-Alder reactions using different heterocycles derivatives acting as electrophiles joint to dienes of different nucleophilicity, analyzing the effect of the microwave irradiation ...
  • Gamba, Nadia Soledad (2014-03-21)
    Zirconium-based materials, both oxides and metals, have been studied for their important technological applications. Specifically the ZrO2, due to its high stability, biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. The tetragonal ...
  • Arce, Mauricio Damián (2014-03-20)
    The present thesis work covers different aspects related to the kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (orr), with the aim to provide new knowledge concerning to the understanding of one of the main reactions in the ...
  • Zelin, Juan (2014-03-26)
    The present thesis comprises the valuation of oleochemical industry derivative how is methyl oleate (MO), obtaining from this valuable chemicals products through self-metathesis y cross-metathesis reactions with 1-hexene ...
  • Giorello, Antonella (2019-03-26)
    This thesis work presents the comparison of conventional discontinuous nanoparticles synthesis methods with continuous microreactor methods with different geometries taking protocols reported in bibliography as reference, ...
  • Montemurro, Milagros (2019-03-21)
    Different strategies for multidimensional data generation were evaluated and new analytical methods were developed for quantitative studies of a variety of analytes of interest in food products, combining various analytical ...
  • Fals Guerra, Jayson (2019-03-21)
    The demographic and economic growth of the last decades that resulted in a high demand for energy in productive activities, together with the fact that part of the general population remains in constant search of greater ...
  • Guilarducci, Anabela Guadalupe (2018-04-20)
    The present work finds its origin in the need to find an alternative that allows to reuse the waste of fluidized bed mineral coal combustion thermoelectric plants. The study is considered from two fronts that are well ...
  • Brites Helú, Mariela Alicia (2018-03-07)
    This work studies the synergetic interactions between PGM catalysts (Pt, Rh) and Au over both branches of the Hydrogen Electrode Reaction (HER): the Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction (hor) and the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction ...
  • Castel, María Virginia (2016-03-18)
    Hydrocolloids of different origins have wide application in different industries. Among them, gum Arabic (GA) leads the world market for gums used in microencapsulation. However, their periodic scarcity and costs, drive ...
  • Fioramonti, Silvana Alejandra (2015-03-20)
    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential nutrients that have been related with prevention of cardiovascular disease and must be incorporated in the human diet. However, as they are sensitive to lipid oxidation, ...
  • Belletti, Gustavo Daniel (2016-03-23)
    In this thesis, we theoretically study first the microscopic properties of the ferroelectric material PbTiO3 in free and ultrathin films. Using an atomistic core-shell model through classical Molecular Dynamics simulations, ...
  • Sanguineti, Pamela Beatriz (2016-03-15)
    It was studied the effect of Ga2O3 (gallia) as promoter, of ZrO2 (zirconia) as support and of the Cu-Ga2O3 and Cu-ZrO2 interactions, in the catalytic performance of supported copper catalysts in the reaction of methanol ...
  • Magni, Diana Margarita (2009-06-25)
    Different alternatives were studied in this thesis for the multivariate resolution of non linear kinetic system for the determination of metalic ions acting as catalysts. The reduction reaction of resazurin by sodium ...