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Listar Doctorado en Ingeniería por fecha de publicación

Listar Doctorado en Ingeniería por fecha de publicación

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  • Campo, David Nazareno (2019-04-29)
    External validation indexes allow similarities between two clustering solutions to be quantified. With classical external indexes, it is possible to quantify how similar two disjoint clustering solutions are, where each ...
  • Rolón, Román Emanuel (2019-03-27)
    Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome is one of the most common sleep disorders in the general population. It is estimated that this condition affects between 3% and 5% of the adult population worldwide and increases ...
  • Anderson, Alejandro (2019-03-22)
    En el marco de control predictivo basados en modelos (MPC), el objetivo de la presente tesis fue ampliar los conceptos teóricos de MPC aptos para re-identificación de sistemas en lazo cerrado. Estas extensiones involucran ...
  • D' Jorge, Agustina (2019-03-22)
    El Control Predictivo basado en Modelos (MPC) es una estrategia de control avanzado ampliamente utilizada, y estudiada, tanto en ámbitos académicos como industriales. El objetivo de esta técnica de control ha sido, durante ...
  • Podestá, Juan Manuel (2019-03-15)
    An innovative conceptual framework addressed to solve the inverse elastic material design problem is described in this Thesis. The inverse design problem is formulated mathematically through a topological optimization ...
  • Yones, Cristian Ariel (2018-11-22)
    Machine learning has had a great development in recent years and has allowed solving a large number of problems in the most diverse disciplines. However, there are still great challenges to be solved, such as learning in ...
  • Peterson, Victoria (2018-11-02)
    A brain computer interface (BCI) is a system which provides an alternative way of communication between the mind of a person and the outside world. An efficient and non-invasive way of establishing the communication is ...
  • Díaz Zamboni, Javier Eduardo (2018-10-03)
    Optical microscopy is a three-dimensional analysis technique. Historically, an important part of the technological developments in microscopy has been aimed at improving the quality and resolution of the images obtained ...
  • Costarelli, Santiago Daniel (2018-04-06)
    A fully CUDA implementation of a formulation abre to solve fluid structure interactions, or with thermal coupling, based on Cartesian structured finite volume grids with embedeed bodies has been presented. All the algorithms ...
  • Bugnon, Leandro Ariel (2018-03-27)
    Emotion is a fundamental part of our daily life. One of the sources to detect emotions is the physiological responses. These signals have the potential for the development of minimally invasive devices, such as a wristband, ...
  • Venier, César Martín (2018-03-26)
    En esta tesis se presenta un estudio exhaustivo del Modelo de Dos Fluidos con asistencia de la Teoría Cinética-Friccional para flujos granulares implementado en el marco del Método de Volúmenes Finitos. Se hace énfasis en ...
  • Aguerre, Horacio Javier (2018-03-22)
    Los motores de combustión interna ocupan un papel central en la matriz energética mundial significando más de la mitad del consumo total de recursos fósiles a nivel mundial. Dentro de este contexto, es primordial incrementar ...
  • Bre, Facundo (2018-03-21)
    To achieve the design of an energy-efficient building, the thermal and energetic performance of a large series of alternative designs of such building must be analyzed in search of a sufficiently good or even optimal ...
  • Vanrell, Sebastián Rodrigo (2018-03-16)
    Activity recognition aims at identifying the activities that a person or animal performs over time. Several challenges are faced in the discrimination of activities, such as processing long-term recordings and dealing with ...
  • Chelotti, José Omar (2018-03-16)
    Current livestock production systems require the optimization and total control of their resources in order to maintain profitability within an increasingly strict market. In this sense, precision livestock farming is ...
  • Dominguez Ruben, Lucas (2018-03-15)
    In anabraching systems like the Paraná in its middle reach, characteristic geomorphological structures are secondary channels, which play a key role in the filling of the floodplain dynamics. They also link the mean channel ...
  • García, Gabriel Agustín (2018-03-01)
    Soil moisture (SM) is a state variable that influences the redistribution of water within the hydrological cycle. For decades, its estimation has been studied on a regional scale to solve hydrological, meteorological, ...
  • Sgroi, Leandro Carlos (2017-11-21)
    Droughts are extreme events that produce greater economic losses when they occur in a region. Mainly because there are no warning systems that certainly anticipate the beginning of these events, and when they finally happen ...
  • Scacchi, Graciela Beatriz (2017-07-27)
    This work aims to experimentally study the temporal evolution of the interaction between turbulent flow and scour processes around a bridge abutment, which has a flexible bed protection. A series of laboratory experiments ...
  • Acevedo, Rubén Carlos (2017-03-30)
    Las vías naturales de comunicación del cerebro con el exterior eventualmente pueden resultar dañadas de manera irreversible disminuyendo la capacidad de comunicación de una persona. Las interfaces cerebro computadoras (ICC) ...

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