Analysis of population habits as a tool for the planning of public green spaces

Metropolitan Area case of Mendoza


  • Dra. Arq. Jimena Gómez Piovano INAHE CONICET Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Dr. Arq. Alejandro Mesa INAHE CONICET



open spaces; social behaviour; influence zone; urban planification


In cities nowadays the presence or absence of green spaces for recreation influences the quality of life of residents and the sustainability of it. Numerous studies describe the social, economic, and environmental benefits that recreational areas produce, emphasizing on the importance of their use for the health of city
inhabitants. Despite the extensive amount of literature available, it is hard to find unanimity regarding the radii of influence of the different types of recreational public spaces.
This study aims to analyze and understand the habits of the inhabitants of the Metropolitan Area of Mendoza (MAM) to determine if the city has enough green spaces and if their distribution satisfies the needs of all its citizens.

Author Biographies

Dra. Arq. Jimena Gómez Piovano, INAHE CONICET Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Doctora en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Master en Energías Renobables, Arquitectura y urbanismo Sostenible de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Titular de la Cátedra Diseño Urbano Sustentable II de la Carrera de Arquitectura de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Becaria Posdoctoral del INAHE-CONICET.

Dr. Arq. Alejandro Mesa, INAHE CONICET

Doctora en Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Mendoza, Investigador Indipendiente del INAHE-CONICET



How to Cite

Gómez Piovano, D. A. J., & Mesa, D. A. A. (2017). Analysis of population habits as a tool for the planning of public green spaces: Metropolitan Area case of Mendoza. ARQUISUR Revista, 7(12), 78–89.