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Listar Maestría en Cultivos Intensivos por fecha de publicación

Listar Maestría en Cultivos Intensivos por fecha de publicación

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  • Puerta, Analía Verónica (2017-03-17)
    The commercial quality of cultivars of Gerbera jamesonii L. Super Nova, Dune and Ruby Red was evaluated. Histochemical, metabolic and structural characteristics and their relationship to vase life quality were studied. ...
  • Adlercreutz, Enrique Gustavo Axel (2016-08-05)
    About 8.000.000 tons of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) are produced globally and 50000 t in Argentina in about 1300 hectares. The productive varies between the first and second year, for which ecophysiological, ...
  • Scalise, Paola Carolina (2015-12-21)
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact on Safety and Food Quality of Frutihortícola Chain Santafesina reviewing checkpoints set up by the National Health Service and Food Quality Markets Concentrators Fruits and ...
  • Gómez, Claudio Andrés (2015-08-11)
    The practice of eliminating the vegetal cover of citrus orchards in Concordia (Entre Ríos) contributes to the degradation of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil. The objective of this study was ...
  • Muguiro, Alberto Fabio (2014-10-16)
    The excess of sodium, carbonates and bicarbonates, which are present in irrigation water, increases the pH, the electric conductivity and the percentage of interchangeable sodium in the soil, and, most of the times, it ...
  • Ramos, Liliana Graciela (2014-09-02)
    The pruning of axillary shoots in tomato plants is a necessary practice during the growing process. With the aim of simplifying this task, that takes time and requires labour investment, a growing regulator, commonly used ...
  • Ciacci, María Belén (2014-07-30)
    Cover crops improves soil and water conservation in agriculture but it uses requires local experiences and adaptations. The aim of this work was to quantify the effect of different cover crops in the inter-rows of peach ...
  • Langé, Patricia Paula (2014-05-21)
    The Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is an important ornamental plant . Rooting of cuttings is slow and uneven. This work aimed to evaluate the effect of auxin on the rooting of cuttings in different seasons. The design used ...
  • Pérez, Guillermo Ignacio (2013-12-10)
    The effectiveness of plant diversity in agricultural systems is considered as an important resource in wildlife conservation charity, by providing prey or hosts, shelters, and alternative food sources such as nectar and ...
  • Viglianchino, Liliana Ester (2013-10-03)
    The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is the main vector of the tomate spotted wilt virus (TSWV), and the "minute pirate bug", Orius insidiosus (Say), is an efficient ...
  • Monteros Solito, Ramiro Ignacio (2013-06-28)
    Chemical control alternatives, application rates, harvest time and postharvest processes were evaluated in commercial fruit quality of Nova tangerine related to the presence of the red scale (Aonidiella aurantii) and the ...
  • Micheloud, Norma Guadalupe (2013-05-17)
    To the central region of the province of Santa Fe is interesting to generate alternative diversification across different fruit crops, including citrus. For the grower makes the decision to incorporate this new crops should ...
  • García, María Soledad (2013-03-12)
    In Santa Fe (Argentina), fruit tree crop is an incipient economic activity, which has been promoted from the public institutions. While agroclimatic frost regime for Santa Fe province is known, only a preliminary study ...
  • Buyatti, Marcela Alejandra (2012-08-13)
    El éxito en los establecimientos comerciales dedicados a la producción de plantines anuales, está relacionado con la capacidad de generar plantas de alta calidad comercial, pues la posibilidad de penetración en el mercado ...
  • Barbaro, Lorena Alejandra (2011-08-19)
    El sustrato es un insumo para el sector florícola de gran interés en el Área metropolitana bonaerense (AMBA) y el suelo mineral es uno de los materiales más utilizado como componente. Sin embargo, por ser un recurso limitado ...
  • Pacheco, Roberto Matías (2011-04-05)
    Blotchy ripening es un desorden de maduración que afecta los frutos de tomate a nivel mundial y se caracteriza por manchas irregulares en forma y tamaño, de color verde claro, amarillas o casi decoloradas, asociadas a áreas ...
  • Gatti, Mariano Adrián (2010-11-01)
    El experimento uno consistió en tres celdas: 20, 40 y 120 cm3 y tres edades de transplante 48, 34 y 20 días desde la siembra. El experimento dos utilizó dos celdas: 20 y 120 cm3 y dos edades de transplante 62 y 38 días, ...
  • Obregón, Verónica Gabriela (2009-10-29)
    Entre las enfermedades que afectan el cultivo de tomate en el Nordeste Argentino se destaca el marchitamiento y muerte de plantas. Este síntoma lo atribuyen a la bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum. Se obtuvieron aislados de ...
  • Weber, Marcela Emilce (2008-01-01)
    La poda es una de las principales técnicas culturales del cultivo de duraznero. Tradicionalmente, se realiza durante el reposo invernal, pero también puede realizarse durante el período de crecimiento. El objetivo de este ...
  • Dovis, Verónica Lorena (2007-07-03)
    El cultivo de la coliflor, que se encuentra presente en la mayoría de los planteos productivos del cinturón hortícola santafesino (Santa Fe, Argentina), presenta requerimientos ambientales que dificultan la obtención de ...

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