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Listar Doctorado en Ingeniería por título

Listar Doctorado en Ingeniería por título

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  • Raad, Jonathan (2021-12-17)
    El aprendizaje maquinal ha tenido un gran desarrollo en los últimos años y ha permitido resolver una gran cantidad de problemas en las más diversas disciplinas, aunque aun quedan grandes desafíos por resolver cuando los ...
  • Ibañez, Diego Isaías (2023-12-14)
    En muchas aplicaciones en las que intentamos predecir una variable respuesta a partir de un conjunto de variables predictoras, la reducción de dimensiones es una herramienta adecuada para ayudar a comprender los datos ...
  • Morell, Mariana Inés (2015-11-24)
    Captured 2DV patterns of river flow velocities in a cross-plane provide the basis for inferring the existence of helical flow in open-channel bends and stream confluences. Researchers usually refer to the procedure named ...
  • Campanella, Sandra Romina (2018-11-20)
    En esta tesis se aborda el diseño óptimo de la industria forestal desde un enfoque de Cadena de Suministro (CS). Éste consiste en determinar qué tipo y tamaño de plantas instalar, en qué sitio localizarlas, el flujo existente ...
  • Bre, Facundo (2018-03-21)
    To achieve the design of an energy-efficient building, the thermal and energetic performance of a large series of alternative designs of such building must be analyzed in search of a sufficiently good or even optimal ...
  • Vignolo, Leandro Daniel (2012-02-28)
    The key issue on speech recognition is given by the characteristics of the signals involved, as these are governed by complex probability density functions, are non-stationary and generally contaminated with noise of diverse ...
  • Seluy, Lisandro Gabriel (2015-03-05)
    Several wastewaters are generated in the brewing process. Washing effluents from machines and equipment represent the largest volume and are treated in plants that include anaerobic and aerobic reactors. Certain effluents ...
  • Vanrell, Sebastián Rodrigo (2018-03-16)
    Activity recognition aims at identifying the activities that a person or animal performs over time. Several challenges are faced in the discrimination of activities, such as processing long-term recordings and dealing with ...
  • Bugnon, Leandro Ariel (2018-03-27)
    Emotion is a fundamental part of our daily life. One of the sources to detect emotions is the physiological responses. These signals have the potential for the development of minimally invasive devices, such as a wristband, ...
  • Ríos Rodriguez, Gustavo Alberto (2009-06-24)
    An adaptive refinement strategy to solve steady and unsteady compressible non- viscous flows by the finite element method over unstructured meshes is developed. The quality of the adapted mesh is the main driving force to ...
  • Acevedo, Rubén Carlos (2017-03-30)
    Las vías naturales de comunicación del cerebro con el exterior eventualmente pueden resultar dañadas de manera irreversible disminuyendo la capacidad de comunicación de una persona. Las interfaces cerebro computadoras (ICC) ...
  • Venier, César Martín (2018-03-26)
    En esta tesis se presenta un estudio exhaustivo del Modelo de Dos Fluidos con asistencia de la Teoría Cinética-Friccional para flujos granulares implementado en el marco del Método de Volúmenes Finitos. Se hace énfasis en ...
  • Godino, Darío Martín (2021-03-12)
    El diseño de intercambiadores de calor y generadores de vapor (GV) utilizados en la industria nuclear se basan en gran media en correlaciones empíricas y experiencia obtenida durante muchos años de investigación. Aunque ...
  • Aguerre, Horacio Javier (2018-03-22)
    Los motores de combustión interna ocupan un papel central en la matriz energética mundial significando más de la mitad del consumo total de recursos fósiles a nivel mundial. Dentro de este contexto, es primordial incrementar ...
  • Nittmann, Juan José (2014-06-30)
    The Guaraní Aquifer System- GAS is a transboundary aquifer shared by Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, extending for some 1100000 km2. The GAS is the third among the largest aquifers of the world, behind the Nubean ...
  • Chelotti, José Omar (2018-03-16)
    Current livestock production systems require the optimization and total control of their resources in order to maintain profitability within an increasingly strict market. In this sense, precision livestock farming is ...
  • Nocetti, Emanuel (2022-07-25)
    Los efluentes lácteos poseen elevado contenido de compuestos nitrogenados, además de materia orgánica y fósforo. Debido a que Santa Fe se localiza en una región caracterizada por un significante número de industrias lácteas, ...
  • Lorena, Andrea Bearzotti (2013-02-14)
    The occurrence of disruptive events affecting the normal performance of a plan o schedule is a well known problem for the planning activity. For this reason plans and schedules are created including slacks to deal with ...
  • Carrasco Milian, Aylen (2012-02-28)
    It is important to understand the different scales that govern a problem in order to properly describe it with a physical or a numerical model. The scaling argument should not be underestimated. Once the scales are known, ...
  • Dalcin, Lisandro Daniel (2008-06-26)
    This thesis reports the attempts to facilitate the access to high-performance parallel computing resources within a Python programming environment. The net result of this effort are two open source and public domain packages, ...

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