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Listar Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas por título

Listar Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas por título

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  • Sánchez, Ignacio Julián Rodolfo (2022-07-29)
    En esta tesis se investigan formulaciones de Control Predictivo Basado en Modelos (MPC, del inglés Model Predictive Control) con aplicación al seguimiento de referencias genéricas. La estrategia MPC, que también recibe ...
  • Larrazabal, Agostina Juliana (2022-03-17)
    Las imágenes médicas son fundamentales para la medicina moderna. Recientemente, las redes neuronales convolucionales han logrado grandes mejoras en el desempeño de las técnicas de visión computacional, permitiendo la ...
  • Corzo, Santiago Francisco (2015-03-25)
    Computational methods have been used in safety and design analysis of reactor systems for nearly 40 years. The most popular computational fluid dynamics codes have been formulated based on 0/1D methods. Although the flow ...
  • Álvarez León, Camilo Alfonso (2020-08-28)
    El objetivo de esta tesis fue investigar los procesos de “Áreas Fuente Variables” (Variable Source Areas, VSA’s) y evaluar la aplicación del modelo de simulación hidrológica “SWAT” en un sistema de llanura. Estas áreas se ...
  • Wehrle Martínez, Andrés Teodoro (2016-12-06)
    The goal of this thesis is to determine the impact of the land use change on the water cycle components of the Upper Paraná River Basin (CARP), in the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest (BAAPA). The analysis of vegetation indexes ...
  • López, Emiliano Pedro (2014-06-12)
    El CENtro de Estudios HidroAmbientales monitorea diferentes variables hidroambientales en varias estaciones de la Cuenca del Arroyo Cululú. Los datos se colectan in-situ mediante dispositivos comerciales de diversos orígenes, ...
  • Havrylenko, Sofía Beatriz (2014-05-15)
    La actividad agropecuaria es altamente vulnerable a las condiciones meteorológicas, especialmente a los eventos extremos (p.e. sequías). En los últimos años, se han observado cambios significativos en la región pampeana. ...
  • Dominguez Ruben, Lucas (2018-03-15)
    In anabraching systems like the Paraná in its middle reach, characteristic geomorphological structures are secondary channels, which play a key role in the filling of the floodplain dynamics. They also link the mean channel ...
  • Pucheta, Martín Alejo (2008-04-22)
    The objective of this research work is the study and development of techniques for the design and synthesis of planar-linkage mechanisms starting from the initial specifications or design requirements. The synthesis of ...
  • Anca, Andrés Amílcar (2008-06-25)
    This thesis deals with the simulation of fusion welding and other metallurgical processes sach as heat treatment by the Finite Elements Method. The models were implemented in C++, which includes moving heat sources, steel ...
  • Anderson, Alejandro (2019-03-22)
    En el marco de control predictivo basados en modelos (MPC), el objetivo de la presente tesis fue ampliar los conceptos teóricos de MPC aptos para re-identificación de sistemas en lazo cerrado. Estas extensiones involucran ...
  • Peterson, Victoria (2018-11-02)
    A brain computer interface (BCI) is a system which provides an alternative way of communication between the mind of a person and the outside world. An efficient and non-invasive way of establishing the communication is ...
  • Conte, Leandro Oscar (2015-02-20)
    The emerging contaminants include a wide range of chemicals for which there is a limited information. The problems associated with the water pollution due to increased in the use of these substances has been increased ...
  • García, Gabriel Agustín (2018-03-01)
    Soil moisture (SM) is a state variable that influences the redistribution of water within the hydrological cycle. For decades, its estimation has been studied on a regional scale to solve hydrological, meteorological, ...
  • Gerard, Matías Fernando (2014-03-11)
    Relations among metabolic compounds are given by sequences of reactions known as metabolic pathways. These make it possible to produce one compound from another, and knowing this is essential for planning the synthesis of ...
  • Tourn, Benjamín Alfredo (2021-12-06)
    El austemperado es un tratamiento térmico que produce una mejora sustancial de las propiedades mecánicas de una pieza de hierro dúctil. La microestructura final obtenida en el seno de la pieza luego del proceso de austemperado ...
  • Gualini, Silvina Guadalupe (2014-06-24)
    In Santa Fe city, the capital of Santa Fe province, 92.60% of the population has access to drinking water. Nowadays, Aguas Santafesinas S.A. is the company that provides the drinking water and sewer services. The main ...
  • Lozeco, Cristóbal Vicente (2014-06-19)
    The Cipolletti city is located in the High Valley of Río Negro, at the confluence of the Neuquén and Limay rivers. That confluence forms the Negro River. The valley’s irrigation system irrigates approximately 50,000ha. ...
  • Storti, Bruno Alberto (2020-05-28)
    En esta tesis se plantea el desarrollo e implementación de un método de composición de dominios tipo quimera para mallas superpuestas orientado a la resolución de problemas ingenieriles de optimización que impliquen ...
  • Cano, Elvio Omar (2014-08-05)
    A producers commission called COMAS, operated from 1982 to 1986 at the Tapenaga River Basin, for the management of soil and water resources, which finally dissolved due to conflicts between its members because the discrepancies ...

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