Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas: Envíos recientes

  • Sgroi, Leandro Carlos (2017-11-21)
    Droughts are extreme events that produce greater economic losses when they occur in a region. Mainly because there are no warning systems that certainly anticipate the beginning of these events, and when they finally happen ...
  • Bustos, Germán Andrés (2014-12-16)
    Model-based predictive control (MPC) has become a technique control widely used today because of its ability to handle multivariable systems (MIMO) and restrictions. This technique makes use of models of the system to be ...
  • Fernández, Francisco Javier (2021-12-03)
    El incremento de la exportación de carne vacuna por parte del Frigorífico Alberdi S.A (FASA) ha llevado a que el mismo aumente más de 100% la cantidad de ganados faenados en los últimos años. Esta proyección ocasiona un ...
  • Chelotti, José Omar (2018-03-16)
    Current livestock production systems require the optimization and total control of their resources in order to maintain profitability within an increasingly strict market. In this sense, precision livestock farming is ...
  • Schneider, Luis Ignacio (2022-09-16)
    Una de las problemáticas que deben afrontar los gobiernos locales es la recolección, tratamiento y disposición de los residuos verdes. En general, la gestión de estos materiales representa un desafío, debido a su volumen ...
  • Costarelli, Santiago Daniel (2018-04-06)
    A fully CUDA implementation of a formulation abre to solve fluid structure interactions, or with thermal coupling, based on Cartesian structured finite volume grids with embedeed bodies has been presented. All the algorithms ...
  • Molina, Fernando Miguel (2023-06-12)
    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un diagnóstico de los aspectos ambientales de interés en los procesos productivos de una empresa dedicada a la industrialización del huevo con destino al sector de la alimentación. La ...
  • Sassetti, Fernando Leonel (2016-07-04)
    Glaucoma is a group of pathologies associated with the progressive damage of the optic nerve that leads to blindness. In patients with glaucoma, treatments reduce intraocular pressure through medications or implanted ...
  • Toro, Sebastián (2014-03-31)
    In this thesis, multiscale formulations to model the failure of heterogeneous materials, based in the RVE (Representative Volume Element) concept, are studied and developed. A mechanical coupling between two scales, the ...
  • Nocetti, Emanuel (2022-07-25)
    Los efluentes lácteos poseen elevado contenido de compuestos nitrogenados, además de materia orgánica y fósforo. Debido a que Santa Fe se localiza en una región caracterizada por un significante número de industrias lácteas, ...
  • Jodor, María Tatiana (2022-06-22)
    La gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos de un territorio, se define como el proceso sistemático para el desarrollo sostenible, la asignación y el control de los recursos hídricos en el contexto de objetivos sociales, ...
  • Schmid, Erica Laura (2020-12-28)
    La contaminación en la industria láctea se caracteriza por ser de tipo orgánica y biodegradable, en las últimas décadas a los sistemas estándares de tratamiento de efluentes se le han incorporado tecnologías de pretratamiento ...
  • Sánchez, Luciano Emilio (2019-11-22)
    Las pequeñas localidades del noroeste de la Provincia de Santa Fe son conocedoras de los problemas de escasez de agua en cantidad, calidad y oportunidad. Un régimen de precipitaciones irregular, distancias largas a cursos ...
  • Gareis, Iván Emilio (2017-03-30)
    Brain-computer interfaces are systems that provide communication to an external device by means of directly measuring the brain activity. These systems rely on signal processing and machine learning stages to succsefully ...
  • Vicentín, Rocío (2017-03-22)
    Globally, every urban center generates at least, two waste types can be considered renewable bio-energy sources: organic fraction of municipal solid waste and wastewater. Inexistent, poorly and low cost management describes ...
  • Restrepo, Juan Felipe (2016-09-22)
    There exist evidence suggesting that the dynamics of physiological systems is complex and nonlinear. The degree of complexity of the system is linked to normal or pathological states of the organism. It is important to ...
  • Abrile, Mariana Guadalupe (2023-08-08)
    El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la reutilización de lodos derivados del tratamiento de lixiviados de un relleno sanitario de la región como enmienda orgánica para suelos degradados y analizar simultáneamente su ...
  • Scioli, Carlos César (2016-10-04)
    In this thesis, variable source areas (VSAs) processes in plain systems, are investigated. A new hydrologic similarity Index, ISH, replacing the original topographic Index (Beven and Kirby, 1979), ITop is proposed in order ...
  • Wehrle Martínez, Andrés Teodoro (2016-12-06)
    The goal of this thesis is to determine the impact of the land use change on the water cycle components of the Upper Paraná River Basin (CARP), in the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest (BAAPA). The analysis of vegetation indexes ...
  • Sanchez Reinoso, Carlos Roberto (2013-04-23)
    The generation of electricity by photovoltaic sources is still considered rather expensive in comparison with to other sources so, more research is required to increase efficiency. Furthermore, the power conversion stages ...
  • Lorena, Andrea Bearzotti (2013-02-14)
    The occurrence of disruptive events affecting the normal performance of a plan o schedule is a well known problem for the planning activity. For this reason plans and schedules are created including slacks to deal with ...
  • Gómez, Andrea Alejandra (2012-11-05)
    The classical flow and transport equations in porous media assume local equilibrium in a representative elementary volume. However, in reality, a non-equilibrium behaviour is frequently observed, manifested as a delayed ...
  • Cosimo, Alejandro (2014-11-17)
    The Thermo-Mecano-Metallurgical modelling of welding is considered in this thesis, where the high non-linearity and the multiphysics character of the problem makes necessary to study different areas of Computational ...
  • Garelli, Luciano (2012-06-27)
    Multidisciplinary and Multiphysics coupled problems represent nowadays a challenging field when studying even more complex phenomena that appear in nature and in new technologies (e.g. Magneto-Hydrodynamics, Micro-Electr ...
  • Carrasco Milian, Aylen (2012-02-28)
    It is important to understand the different scales that govern a problem in order to properly describe it with a physical or a numerical model. The scaling argument should not be underestimated. Once the scales are known, ...
  • Vignolo, Leandro Daniel (2012-02-28)
    The key issue on speech recognition is given by the characteristics of the signals involved, as these are governed by complex probability density functions, are non-stationary and generally contaminated with noise of diverse ...
  • Cavalieri, Federico José (2010-06-28)
    In this thesis, a failure prediction study in mechanical components subject to very high frequency loads and high temperature is considered. In a first stage, the fatigue phenomenon in metallic materials is studied from ...
  • Kler, Pablo Alejandro (2011-03-01)
    Lab-on-a-Chips (LOC) are microdevices that integrate one or several laboratory functions on a single chip of a few square centimeters. LOC provide a platform to conduct chemical and biochemical analysis in a wide variety ...
  • Torres, Karina Andrea (2010-10-01)
    The main objective of this work in the area of batch distillation is to develop models in order to evaluate new alternatives of separation (design, synthesis and simulation of processes) and to optimize its performance ...
  • Di Persia, Leandro Ezequiel (2009-03-26)
    In the last decades a new problem related to machine learning and signal processing has emerged in many disciplines: the blind source separation problem. The blind source separation technique aims to segregate the sources ...
  • Dalcin, Lisandro Daniel (2008-06-26)
    This thesis reports the attempts to facilitate the access to high-performance parallel computing resources within a Python programming environment. The net result of this effort are two open source and public domain packages, ...
  • Anca, Andrés Amílcar (2008-06-25)
    This thesis deals with the simulation of fusion welding and other metallurgical processes sach as heat treatment by the Finite Elements Method. The models were implemented in C++, which includes moving heat sources, steel ...

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