Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas: Envíos recientes

  • López, Emiliano Pedro (2014-06-12)
    El CENtro de Estudios HidroAmbientales monitorea diferentes variables hidroambientales en varias estaciones de la Cuenca del Arroyo Cululú. Los datos se colectan in-situ mediante dispositivos comerciales de diversos orígenes, ...
  • Albarracín Franco, Silvia (2015-12-18)
    El presente trabajo pretende ser un aporte al conocimiento de la fragmentación y pérdida de bosques nativos en la Selva Paranaense del departamento Guaraní (Misiones, Argentina). Desde que ésta ha sido señalada como una ...
  • Pino, Ana Laura (2016-10-11)
    Con el objetivo de realizar un Diagnóstico de la Conflictividad Ambiental de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, se realiza un análisis matricial de conflictos y potencialidades, tomando ...
  • Cherniz, Analía Soledad (2017-07-26)
    La parametrización de la señal de habla es un paso fundamental en múltiples sistemas de procesamiento de voz. Esto permite representar la señal con unos pocos coeficientes en donde se resaltan las características acústicas ...
  • Albarracín Franco, Silvia (2015-11-06)
    La investigación se desarrolló en una subcuenca rural del arroyo El Saltito Chico, departamento Guaraní (Misiones, Argentina). El área de estudio tiene una superficie de 70.46 km2 y está ubicada en la franja altitudinal ...
  • Ramos Vernieri, Francisco Javier (2013-07-04)
    Esta tesis investiga el desempeño de un diseño avanzado de dispositivo de detención extendida de espectro completo (FSD) en distintos escenarios de cuenca urbana del Noroeste argentino. El dispositivo propuesto tiene como ...
  • Vidal, Eduardo Gabriel (2014-11-28)
    En este trabajo se aborda la problemática ambiental que genera la disposición de los envases vacíos de glifosato. En este sentido, se analiza una experiencia regional que promueve un sistema de gestión de envases de ...
  • Szymula, Juan Pablo Vicente (2012-11-10)
    La marcada estacionalidad de las precipitaciones en el Noreste Argentino, agravada por largos períodos de sequía y exceso de humedad, enfatiza la necesidad de buscar diversas herramientas que permitan evaluar y monitorear ...
  • Gómez Barroso, Juan José (2014-05-08)
    We propose a formulation for modeling the squeeze film air damping in perforated micro-plates typical of micro-electromechanical devices for micro switch applications. A special finite element is developed, in which the ...
  • Kohli, Sergio Raúl (2016-11-07)
    La estimación de las magnitudes de erosión hídrica superficial y degradación específica en cuencas hidrográficas o sistemas hidrológicos es frecuentemente realizada utilizando modelos paramétricos clásicos: la Ecuación ...
  • López Weibel, Cecilia (2023-07-25)
    Los ríos Paraná y Uruguay poseen gran importancia por sus múltiples aprovechamientos, su rol en la biodiversidad y en actividades socio-económicas y ambientales. En estos, una de las variables menos conocida es el transporte ...
  • Seluy, Lisandro Gabriel (2015-03-05)
    Several wastewaters are generated in the brewing process. Washing effluents from machines and equipment represent the largest volume and are treated in plants that include anaerobic and aerobic reactors. Certain effluents ...
  • Morell, Mariana Inés (2015-11-24)
    Captured 2DV patterns of river flow velocities in a cross-plane provide the basis for inferring the existence of helical flow in open-channel bends and stream confluences. Researchers usually refer to the procedure named ...
  • Alzamendi, Gabriel Alejandro (2016-06-21)
    The voice and related biomedical signals carry information characterizing the phonation. The accurate extraction of this information becomes beneficial in medicine and other fields. In this Thesis, new methods for modeling ...
  • Gimenez, Juan Marcelo (2015-11-13)
    The development of numerical methods for one-phase flows have undergone a tremendous progress and impressive results. The case of multi-phase flows is a field placed far from being completely understood and the available ...
  • Ravera, Emiliano Pablo (2016-03-18)
    Clinical gait analysis is a process to identify the causes of gait patterns who patients with any motor disorders develop, and how they come to it gait. In this way, musculoskeletal models arise to estimate individual ...
  • Novara, Pablo José (2016-04-19)
    This thesis presents two algorithms for parallel generation of unstructured all-tetrahedral meshes for a given set of points. The first method generates a Delaunay mesh for the interior of the point set's convex hull. This ...
  • Corzo, Santiago Francisco (2015-03-25)
    Computational methods have been used in safety and design analysis of reactor systems for nearly 40 years. The most popular computational fluid dynamics codes have been formulated based on 0/1D methods. Although the flow ...
  • Veizaga, Emiliano Andrés (2015-03-27)
    Historically in Argentina, cattle grazing occurred in extensive lands, in natural pastures. From the 90´s, cattle production increased but to the expense of a new production type, feedlots-FL or animal feeding operation ...
  • Lovino, Miguel Ángel (2015-03-26)
    The information regarding climate variability and extreme events (EE) and its impact on northeastern Argentina could help to assist decision-making and to achieve efficient climate risk management policies and practices. ...
  • Murillo, Marina Hebe (2015-02-26)
    The main objective of this thesis involves the design of control systems for flight and navigation of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), as well as the use and development of a simulation, visualization and flight ...
  • Müller, Omar Vicente (2015-03-04)
    Regional land-atmosphere feedbacks play an important role in the occurrence of extremes in southern South America. However, they are not fully understood. Currently, many atmospheric models have simplified land surface ...
  • Nittmann, Juan José (2014-06-30)
    The Guaraní Aquifer System- GAS is a transboundary aquifer shared by Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, extending for some 1100000 km2. The GAS is the third among the largest aquifers of the world, behind the Nubean ...
  • Leonarduzzi, Roberto Fabio (2014-11-03)
    Multifractal analysis and scale invariance constitute relevant and popular paradigms for the analysis, modelling and characterization of irregular signals. Essentially, their use amounts to the identification of the power-law ...
  • Gerard, Matías Fernando (2014-03-11)
    Relations among metabolic compounds are given by sequences of reactions known as metabolic pathways. These make it possible to produce one compound from another, and knowing this is essential for planning the synthesis of ...
  • Filippa, Leonardo Marcelo (2014-07-04)
    The transport of heavy metals (HM) like chromium in surface waters is strongly linked to the sediment transport, because HM tend to transport themselves mostly sorbed to the suspended sediments, specifically to the fine ...
  • Zalazar, Martín Ángel (2016-10-15)
    The main research of the Group of BioMEMS is the implantable microvalve for controlling the intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that affects tens of millions of people around the world. ...
  • Girolimetto, Daniela Teresita (2014-07-28)
    The water stress indexes (EH) of the vegetation have been extensively used to assist the farmers to optimize their production. Moran et al., (1994) defined EH in terms of the latent heat flux as EH=1-(ET/Epot), where Epot ...
  • Castro, Hugo Guillermo (2014-07-22)
    The Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method has become practically a standard approach for the resolution of the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations when the simulation of a turbulent flow is required. This is not only due to the high ...
  • Márquez Damián, Santiago (2013-11-07)
    The study of multi-phase models is a field of great interest in industry and academia. Multi-phase flows are present in hydraulics, petrochemical industry, oceanography, siderurgy, atomic energy and many other human ...
  • Albornoz, Enrique Marcelo (2013-05-31)
    Prosody is used to describe certain physical quantities that can be measured in the voice signals (energy, fundamental frequency, etc.). They represent valuable information for the identification and classification of ...
  • Dominguez Ruben, Lucas (2018-03-15)
    In anabraching systems like the Paraná in its middle reach, characteristic geomorphological structures are secondary channels, which play a key role in the filling of the floodplain dynamics. They also link the mean channel ...

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