Strategic Marketing Plan for Ediciones UNL. An elaboration and implementation proposal


  • María Florencia Modesto Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral



Strategic Marketing Planning, Market Orientation, Publishing Sector


University publishing houses are characterized for belong to an Institution of Higher Education; Although they edit and publish books for the college community, they also make it for the society of which they are part. They must develop as companies into a very competitive market, given that are part of the oldest cultural industry of the West, but at the same time, the edition is consider a consequence of the three essential functions of every university (teaching, research and extension).
The constant evolution and growth observed in this kind of publishing house in last years, demand the incorporation of management tools that allow to improve its efficiency and effectiveness, for the benefit of society at large.
In this context, the research was develop under the hypothesis of that bussiness's approaches and techniques used in the elaboration of a strategic marketing plan are applicable to Ediciones UNL, imprint of Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
It is noticeable, that the use of guidelines’s marketing in an University publishing house is infrequent, given that both strategic planning as marketing are two aspect that aren´t included frequently in this kind of publishers houses. The idea of the captive or natural market with which the universities (students, teachers and researchers) count, many times carry to hold that there is no need to generate a new market. However, in order to develop and consolidate a publishing house, is also required knowledge, skills and tools own of this sector of the economic activity.
With the implementation of this proposal is intended to ediciones UNL adopt a strategic management and market orientation, since this way of managing the organization is the best way to achieve the objectives of growth.



How to Cite

Modesto, M. F. (2017). Strategic Marketing Plan for Ediciones UNL. An elaboration and implementation proposal. Ciencias Económicas, 2, 173–181.



Post-Graduate Studies Thesis

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