Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatozoon canis (Eucoccidiorida: Haemogregarinidae) infecting healthy dogs from Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires)


  • Gabriel CICUTTIN
  • María N. DE SALVO



Hepatozoon canis, dogs, Argentina


Tick-borne protozoan canine diseases represent a major problem in veterinary medicine. The aim of the study was to detect molecularly Hepatozoon spp., Babesia spp. and Theileria spp. in clinically healthy dogs from different regions of Argentina and to analyze the genetic diversity of the findings. DNAs extracted from 163 blood samples from dogs (40 from Buenos Aires city; 33 from Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires; 15 from Castelli, Chaco; 27 from Salsipuedes, Córdoba; 40 from Merlo, San Luis; and 8 of San Miguel, Corrientes) were studied by PCR amplifying a variable fragment (460-540 bp) of the 18S rRNA gene including the V4 region of the genera Hepatozoon, Babesia and Theileria. Four dogs from Bahia Blanca (12.1%) were positive and the sequences obtained were identified as Hepatozoon canis and were phylogenetically similar to findings in South America and the rest of the world. The study of H. canis in Argentina with molecular methods together with phylogenetic analysis is important in order to know the situation of this pathogen in this country.



How to Cite

CICUTTIN, G., & DE SALVO, M. N. (2017). Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of Hepatozoon canis (Eucoccidiorida: Haemogregarinidae) infecting healthy dogs from Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires). FAVE Sección Ciencias Veterinarias, 16(1), 46–49.