Between querellae and the ars: sketches of a rhetoric of seduction in Ovid’s Heroide 15


  • Nicolás Pedro Alberto Reales Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Ovid, Heroides, Sappho, Proem in the middle, Intratextuality


The authenticity of Ovid’s Heroide 15 (Sappho Phaoni) has triggered much
critical controversy. In its light, I revisit Sappho’s letter to show some narrative,
intratextual and stylistic strategies that reveal its transitional role between the other
single (1-15) and double (16-21) elegies. I focus on two major points: I examine to
what extent this Heroide features as a “proem in the middle” that governs the
whole collection; and I draw attention on how its inscription in the elegiac
discourse anticipates some aspects of Ovid’s Ars and thus demarcates some key
issues of his literary writing.


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How to Cite

Reales, N. P. A. (2024). Between querellae and the ars: sketches of a rhetoric of seduction in Ovid’s Heroide 15. Argos, (51), e0066.


