La retórica del mosquito: los τόποι del τόπος de la fábula en Aquiles Tacio


  • Ivana Chialva Universidad Nacional del Litoral / IHuCSo / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



fable, topos, novel, Achilles Tatius



The τόποι as «places» of argumentation represent a constant of Greek rhetorical education, from sophistical teachings in Athens to the schools of the Empire. In the fictional narrative, these τόποι become strategies for the original experimentation of the traditional knowledge of paideia. In this work, we will address a passage from Aquiles Tacio's novel focused on the verbal competition between slaves around the onomastic game κώνωψ/Κώνωψ, «gnat/Gnat» (2.20–22). In this passage, the progymnasmatic exercise of the fable (μῦθος) is organized in an agon that involves, not only diverse literary genres, but also other complex exercises, such as encomion and invective, confirmation and refutation, thesis and hypothesis, creating levels of overlapping and novel readings as unique τόπος of the literate culture.


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How to Cite

Chialva, I. (2023). La retórica del mosquito: los τόποι del τόπος de la fábula en Aquiles Tacio. Ordia Prima, (1), e0009.


