Subjetividad, memoria y verdad: Safo en una «historia política de las veridicciones»


  • Pablo Martín Routier Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - Universidad Nacional del Litoral / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas



Sappho fr.94, subjectivity, veridiction, genealogy, Michel Foucault


This article offers an interpretation of fr. 94 (Neri) of Sappho in connection with the genealogy of the subject developed by Michel Foucault. In the Dartmouth conferences of 1980, Foucault distinguishes two modes of constitution of the self, based on the relationship between subjectivity and truth. The first, «gnomic self», corresponds to the practice of Stoic veridiction; the second, «gnoseological self», is the effect of Christian confessional techniques. The first part of this article describes this opposition. The second part is devoted to the study of the «poetic I» in fragment 94 by highlighting three dimensions considered constitutive of it: temporality, rituality, and intersubjectivity. This analysis intends to argue in favor of an interpretation of the Sapphic «poetic I» in terms of a «mnemic self» in order to extend the Foucauldian inquiry to a poetic corpus unexplored by the author. The proposed «mnemic self» will be understood in terms of restitution of a common experience, through poetic memory.


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How to Cite

Routier, P. M. (2024). Subjetividad, memoria y verdad: Safo en una «historia política de las veridicciones». Ordia Prima, (2), e0022.



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