Universidad Pública, y su rol en la construcción de ciudadanos responsables y críticos. Docencia, Investigación y Extensión desde la FBCB


  • María Celeste Rodríguez Centro Biotecnológico del Litoral (CBL). Laboratorio de Cultivos Celulares. (FBCB-UNL-CONICET). Cátedra de Química Analítica II. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Ciudad Universitaria, Ruta Nacional 168- Km 472.4 - C.C. 242 - (S3000ZAA) Santa Fe




Universidad Pública, Docencia, Investigación, Extensión, construcción de conocimiento


Free and quality higher education represents a fundamental element for the development and evolution of the country. It should be considered as a state policy, regardless of the political thinking of succeeding governments.

This article attempts to reflect on the importance of public universities, and in particular of our university after 50 years of its foundation. Proposing what their role is in the society and of all its active members, involved in teaching, research and extension tasks. Thus, university teaching contributes to the construction of critical thinking and responsible professionals. It is also essential that research tasks should carried out in our universities, contributing to the development of the region and the country, articulating the public and private sectors, from the university. And, last but not least, extension tasks, having a fundamental role in the transformation of the environment, articulating the knowledge built there with society as a whole.


Floria, Carlos Alberto y García Belsunce, César A. (2014) Historia de los argentinos (2da ed.) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. El Ateneo.





Dossier 50 años