Analysis of the mobility capital of resident agents in the pericentre of Santiago de Chile: urban mobility as capital accumulation
Mobility capital, high-rise urban renewal, urban mobility, densificationAbstract
Empirical evidence shows that high-rise urban renewal, in addition to socioeconomically re-stratifying neighborhoods, establishes an offer of mobility and territorial configuration that may be advantageous for a given subject and not for another in terms of economic, cultural and even physical mobility and transportation restrictions. These conditions are conceptualized in the "mobility capital", understood as the capacity of subjects to be mobile in the territory based on access, competition and appropriation capabilities. The objective is to understand how the conditions of mobility capital determine a socially differentiated use of the territory expressed in the daily mobility of different inhabitants of the pericenter of Santiago. A quantitative analysis of the Neighborhood Panel Survey 2 (2016) provided by the FONDECYT Regular 1151287 Project, in which the authors participate, is carried out, comparatively analyzing three study units in the pericenter of Santiago de Chile. The results demystify some of the efficiency assumptions associated with verticalization where the mobility decisions of new apartment residents are shaped in dimensions of freedom and greater options, not so for former house residents, who present physical restrictions and limited resources to exercise mobility; that is, they are spatially "confined".
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