Centralities, heterogeneities and a fragmentation in the Conurbano city's configuration.
An exercise rethinking the Quilmes's city
Greater Buenos Aires, Quilmes, socio-spatial heterogeneity, observational analysis, urban chancesAbstract
In this article we conducted an empirical study of seven stations or stops in the centre of the city of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires. These stops were observed during a winter day in the year 2022. Although the city of Quilmes is only a fragment of the metropolis in which it is inserted, we understand that analysing its heterogeneities, its centralities and its internal fragmentation is of interest to shed light on less studied aspects of metropolitan regions, namely the complexity of the medium-scale cities that are inserted within them. Although observation was the main method of empirical survey, it was not the only one, as we also took into account our own photographic and geographical register as well as secondary sources. The fieldwork consisted of a walking tour to identify the different fragments that make up the centre of the city of Quilmes. By means of the aforementioned, the work sought to describe each of these stops with respect to their characteristics, the forms of use of space and the specificities that order them in order to also reflect on their articulations, their tensions and their temporalities in relation to the centre of Quilmes as a whole.
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