Between actualism and the “standard theory of possible worlds” in Leibniz.

Is it that the most perfect apple is needed to appease the divine appetite?


  • Griselda Gaiada



God, divine attributes, actualism, possibilism, apagogic argument


This article examines the scope and consistency of the “standard theory of possible worlds” in Leibniz’s thought. Its thesis is that actualism underlies the Leibnizian corpus as a background of tension that prevents the closure of the Leibnizian metaphysics of possible worlds from a single interpretation of the origin of things. To this end, a three-stage periodization of Leibniz’s explanations about the origination of the world is offered: firstly, a pure actualist model; secondly, an emanantist model and a creationist model, both coexisting and being interpretable in possibilist terms as well as in actualist terms; finally, an actualist model of “resultant will”. Our goal is not to take sides with some model or another, but only to make visible that all of them coexist in Leibniz’s writings as elements which dislocate within a sole and relatively closed interpretation.

Author Biography

Griselda Gaiada

Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2013). Actualmente, es investigadora asociada del Institut du Pluralisme Religieux et de l’Athéisme (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Ange Guépin, Francia) y del Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas (Buenos Aires). Sus investigaciones se centran en metafísica y filosofía política modernas, con especial énfasis en el pensamiento de Leibniz. Se ha desempeñado como docente de filosofía en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes y en el ámbito de la defensa nacional. Ha obtenido diversas becas doctorales y post-doctorales en el país y en el exterior. En 2016, su tesis de doctorado, Deo volente (Comares, 2015), fue galardonada con el “VGH-Preis für hervorragende Leibniz-Dissertationen”, organizado por la Leibniz Universität Hannover y la Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft. Desde 2017, forma parte del Directorio de la Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française.



How to Cite

Gaiada, G. (2020). Between actualism and the “standard theory of possible worlds” in Leibniz.: Is it that the most perfect apple is needed to appease the divine appetite?. Tópicos. Revista De Filosofía De Santa Fe, (39), 46–80.