The birth of the indiciary paradigm between science and its deadlocks: Freud and the investigative exercise based on the reading of clues


  • Jeyson Ariel Ramírez Cortés



indiciary method, science, paradigm, epistemology, psychoanalysis


In these pages, the particular way in which Freud made use of an alternative investigative method to approach multiple fragments of psychic reality will be exposed. The method or paradigm that will be developed is the indiciary paradigm, a body of investigative practices that were born at the dawn of Modernity and that provide another framework from which to access a particular way of knowing the subject with the truth. Although its application can be appreciated in other fields of knowledge, it will take particular emphasis on the use that Freud gave it for its clinical, theoretical and investigative function of the formations of the unconscious. In this way, an attempt will be made to place psychoanalysis among the practices and knowledge of the West by the nature of its method, in opposition to the hegemonic discourse of the sciences, which seems to require a univocal and exclusive method for those who wish to be part of their discourse. Consequently, the gaps in the latter will become evident, which has shown how fallible it can be in its illusion for an ultimate truth.

Author Biography

Jeyson Ariel Ramírez Cortés

Investigador de la línea clínica y subjetividad del Grupo de investigación en psicología, filosofía y literatura “Agalmade la Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia)



How to Cite

Ramírez Cortés, J. A. (2020). The birth of the indiciary paradigm between science and its deadlocks: Freud and the investigative exercise based on the reading of clues. Tópicos. Revista De Filosofía De Santa Fe, (40), 132–153.