On the criticism of the noematic presentation of alterity in M. Henry and the unfolding of a phenomenology of the unapparent


  • Hernán Inverso




Michel Henry questions the notion of subject and objects, on the one hand, its linkage with representation and, on the other hand, the description of alterity seen from an intentional perspective. He tries to show in what sense intentionality and constitution are not adequate phenomenological ways in the task to explain the universal a priori of the experience of alterity. Indeed, this critic of the notion of subject does not only questions the noematic presentations of alterity, but affects any attempt to account for the Other from a perspective that is not self-affective. However, what at first sight seems irreconcilable with the husserlian phenomenological horizon, can be a substantive contribution in this same area. We will examine here Henry's criticism on the husserlian position in order to provide a reading key that does not provoke a collision between them, but a synergy that, retaking the power of origins, deploys a research program that encompasses the study of the whole spectrum of phenomena.

Author Biography

Hernán Inverso

Licenciado y Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como docente en la Cátedra de Gnoseología del Departamento de Filosofía (FFyL-UBA) y como investigador en proyectos acreditados de la UBA, FONCyT y CONICET. Ha publicado libros, partes de libros y artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales.



How to Cite

Inverso, H. (2019). On the criticism of the noematic presentation of alterity in M. Henry and the unfolding of a phenomenology of the unapparent. Tópicos. Revista De Filosofía De Santa Fe, (35), 69–86. https://doi.org/10.14409/topicos.v0i35.8110