Informe de casos Oxiuriasis: una causa a tener en cuenta de apendicitis aguda
Acute inflammatory abdomen, appendectomy, intestinal parasitosis.Abstract
Acute appendicitis (ApA) is a frequent cause of acute abdomen (AA) in our environment and one of the most common indications for emergency surgery. The presence of Pinworms in resected pieces of appendixes ranges from 0.6 to 13%. We reported 10 cases from December 2022 to February 2024 at the J. B. Iturraspe Hospital, who underwent video-laparoscopic appendectomy for conditions compatible with acute appendicitis. Pinworms were detected during the intraoperative procedure and in pathological anatomy. After surgery, anthelmintic treatment was instituted. The appendectomy would not complete the treatment, it would be necessary to establish an anthelmintic treatment to treat the parasitic infection
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Copyright (c) 2024 Debora Mariana Ramirez, Florencia Visentin , Alejandro Rabellino, Oscar Brosutti
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