About the Journal

Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales is a joint publication of the Social Control Studies Program of the Gino Germani Research Institute and the university chair on Crime and Society: Sociology of Penal System, both of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires; and the Crime and Society Program of the Faculty of Juridical  and Social Science of the National University of Litoral.  
Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales calls for collaboration to worldwide social researchers within a democratic, scientific and critical tradition interested in crime, the penal system and social control. They can find here a place to publish their works, contributing to the development of the field. 
Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales is sponsored by the Faculty of Social Science, University of Buenos Aires and the Faculty of Juridical and Social Science, National University of Litoral.

ISSN: 0328-0101 (printed version)
ISSN: 2362-3306 (digital version)
Fundation: 1992.
Periodicity:  Twice per year.
Language: Spanish.
Principal topics: crime, penal system and social control.
Editorial: Ediciones UNL.


Editorial structure

Máximo Sozzo (National University of Litoral )

Founder Director
Juan S. Pegoraro (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Editorial Board
Nicolás Dallorso (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Gustavo González (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Mariano Gutiérrez (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Augusto Montero (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Victoria Rangugni (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Gabriela Seghezzo (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Emilio Ayos (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Guillermina Barukel (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Lucia Cañaveral (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Waldelmar Claus (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Antonella Comba (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Natalia Crocco (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Vanina Ferreccio (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Luciana Ghiberto (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Valeria Gramuglia (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Natacha Guala (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Karina Mouzo (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Barbara Ohanian (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maria Victoria Puyol (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Angelina Rabuffetti (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Celina Recepter (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Gabriela Rodriguez (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Alina Rios (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Maialen Somaglia (National University of Litoral , Argentina)
Julieta Taboga (National University of Litoral , Argentina)

International Editorial Council
Carlos Cárcova (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Emilio Dellasoppa (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Dario Melossi (University of Bologna, Italy)
Ignacio Muñiagorri (University of the Vasque Country, Spain)
Jose Vicente Tavares Dos Santos (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Fernando Tenorio Tagle (Metropolitan Autonomous University, México)
Dawn Moore (University Carleton, Canada)
Kevin Haggerty (University of Alberta, Canada)
Kelly Hannah-Moffat (University of Toronto, Canada)
Mariana Valverde (University of Toronto, Canada)
Jonathan Simon (University of California at Berkeley, United States of America)
Alessandro De Giorgi (San Jose University, United States of America)
David Garland (New York University, United States of America)
Ian Loader (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
Richard Sparks (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Ana Aliverti (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Alison Liebling (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Rene Van Swaaningn (University of Rotterdam, Neetherlands)
Tom Daems (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
Jose Angel Brandariz (University of A Coruña, Spain)
Roberto Bergalli (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Rodrigo Ghiringhelli Azevedo (Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Nilo Batista (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Vera Malaguti Batista (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Marcos Cesar Alvarez (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Bruno Amaral Machado (University Center of Brazilia Brazilia, Brazil)
Kerry Carrington (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Vanessa Barker (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
John Pratt (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Manuel Iturralde (University of Los Andes, Colombia)
Alvise Sbraccia (University of Bologna, Italy)
Tamar Picth (University of Perugia, Italy)
Andrés Rengifo (Rutgers University, United States of America) 


Information for authors 

The call for articles, research advances and books reviews is permanently opened. Once accepted, authors will be informed in which number their articles, research advances or book reviews are going to be published, following the approval date order criterion. Each year the first number closes in April, to be published in June and the second number closes in October, to be published in December. 
To publish a Dossier or Special Issue, a proposal has to be submitted to the Director. The Dossier/Special Issue Coordinator must define the theme proposed, why it is important to publish it and a list of the contributors that have agreed to participate. If the proposal is approved by the Director, after consulting the Editorial Board, the articles, written at the request of the Dossier/Special Issue Coordinator, will undergo a blind peer review by two external reviewers, following the journal publishing norms. 
Articles, research advances and book’s reviews proposed for publication must be original, unpublished and must not be submitted simultaneously to other journals. Authors must make a statement about its originality when submitting their manuscripts. 
Texts can be presented in Spanish or Portuguese.
Articles and research advances may have a maximum of four (4) authors.
The Editorial Board proposes also translations, documents and interviews. 


Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales is indexed in the following bases:

LATINDEX 2.0Directory, catalogue and link to e-journals
DOAJDirectory of Open Access Journals
SCIELOScientific Electronic Library Online
Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas (CAICYT-CONICET) (Basic Core of Argentinian Scientific Journals)
ERIH PLUS  European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
DialnetBibliographic web of scientific Spanish literature
SNRDNational system of digital repositories of the National Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina.   
SIUBDU2,  Unified data base, institutional repositories harvester developed by the Universities Consortium SIU, from the National Ministry of Education, Argentina.
NSDNorwegian Research Data Center
Malenahierarchy, access and store policies of Argentinian scientific publications  (CAICYT-CONICET)


Articles and Research Advances Evaluation Process

The articles and research advances evaluation is conducted according to the following procedures:

1. The Director and the Editorial Board control the aspects related to both the fulfilment of the formal requirements for the articles and research advances and their adequacy to the journal objectives. If the article or the research advance comply with both requirements, the Director records the Date of Reception and send it to two selected external reviewers. The reviewers are relevant scholars that work in relation to the topic of the article they will evaluate following the double-blind principle (the evaluator does not know the author and the author(s) do(es) not know evaluator). If the article or research advance do not meet the formal requirements, it is returned to the author to amend and resubmit it. This second communication will be registered as the Text Reception Date. If the text does not meet the objectives of the journal, the author will be informed of the decision justification.

2. In the evaluation of the articles and research advances, the two external reviewers analyze the following aspects included in the Journal Guide previously supplied: significance (originality of the work and relevance in regards to the journal’s issues), presentation (conceptual clarity), literature review (knowledge and citation of other relevant research on the topic), evidence (articulation between methodology, data and analysis, relevance and sufficiency of the data in regards to the conclusions), reasoning (logic soundness, arguments, inference and interpretations) and theory (adequacy, solvency in use and appropriation). Referee verdict includes fourth possibilities:
a) article or research advance approved for publication without modifications;
b) article or research advance approved but minor modifications needed for publication;
c) article or research advance approved but major modifications needed for eventual publication,
d) article or research advance rejected.

3. If the two external reviewers approve the article or research advance, the Director informs the author whether she/he have to modify the text or not. Authors must send the modified version within 60 days. Once the deadline is met and the article or research advance is not resubmitted, it will be considered as unsubmitted. If the modifications made are not accepted, the author can withdrawal the article or research advance from the journal. Once the author sends the modified text; the Director forwards the new version to the same two reviewers (this date is recorded as ‘Submission with Modifications’). If reviewers approve the new version, the Director register the corresponding Acceptance Date and communicate the decision to the author. Once notified, the author must send the authorization of rights cession. If the article or research advance is rejected, the Director communicates the verdict to the author. In all cases, the author has access to the pronouncement of the reviewers. When an article or research advance is approved by one reviewer to be published (with or without changes) and is rejected by the other one, the Director would ask for another review before taking the final decision and will follow its result.

4. The response time to the authors regarding the acceptance or rejection of their work d it will be neither less than 45 days nor more than 60 days. In any case, the complete process will not take more than three months between receiving and communicating the verdict of the external reviewers.

5. Translations, interviews and book reviews are under the supervision of the Editorial Board.


Access and reuse policies

The acceptance of the article or research advance by the journal implies the simultaneous non-presentation to other journals and the non-exclusive transfer of author patrimonial rights in favour to the publisher. The publisher allows the reuse, after its edition (post-print), provided that the authorship and source of the publication (journal, publisher and URL) are cited, and no commercial use is made of it. Following the open access policy, publish or read Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales has no charges for the authors or the readers, and encourages authors to deposit their contributions on other institutional repositories favouring archival policies to guarantee survival and access to texts which, in most cases, are financed by public resources. In other words, the journal ratifies the open-access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available, with free full text on the Internet and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors or readers. This policy proposes to break the economic barriers that generate inequalities either in the access to information or in the publication of researches results. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full text of articles and research advances, or use them for any other legal purpose without asking for the author or publisher permission. The journal adheres to the definition of ‘Open Access” of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI): http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/
Past and current numbers of Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales are available free of charge at the Virtual Library of Periodical Publications of the National University of the Litoral: http://bibliotecavirtual.unl.edu.ar/publicaciones


Ethical aspects and conflicts of interest

We assume that people who publish at Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales are familiar with and adhere to either the CONICET document: Guidelines for ethical behaviour in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Resolution No. 2857, December 11, 2006) and the document Guidelines on Good Publication Practice (Committee on Publications Ethics: COPE).


Plagiarism and scientific fraud detection policy

The publication of a work that violates intellectual property rights will be the responsibility of the authors, who will be accountable for the conflicts that may be generated for reasons of copyright. The most critical conflicts can be caused by plagiarism. Plagiarism implies:

  • Present the work of others as their own. 
  • Adopt words or ideas of other authors without due recognition.
  • Do not use quotation marks or another distinctive format in a direct quote.
  • Give incorrect information about the source of a quote.
  • Paraphrasing without mentioning the source.
  • Abusive paraphrasing, even if the source is mentioned.

The following practices constitute scientific fraud

  • Manufacture, falsification or omission of data and plagiarism.
  • Duplicate publication.
  • Authorship conflicts.

For plagiarism detection, the software Plagius (plagius.com.es) is used. This control stage is in charge of the Editorial Board and the Director.


Open Access policies

Articles published in Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales are available free of charge at the Virtual Library of Periodic Publications of the National University of Litoral.
The Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales adheres to the definition of ‘Open Access” of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

Crime and Society. Social Science Journal [Delito y Sociedad. Revista de Ciencias Sociales] ratifies the open-access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available, with free full text on the Internet, without temporary embargoes, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy proposes to break the economic barriers that generate inequities either in the access to information and in the publication of researches results.
The content is licensed by CreativeCommons License Non-Commercial-Atribution-EqualShare 4.0 International.


Preservation policy

“Periodic Publication System” (“Sistema de Publicaciones Periódicas” - SPP) information is preserved in different digital supports daily and weekly. Supports use to store copies are hard disks and magnetic tapes.
Store copies in hard disks. Two hard disks are used.  They are configured with a RAID 1 scheme. Additionally, another copy is store in a remote server placed in a different location than the SPP principal server. This copy is made every 12 hours, without any compression or encryption.
For magnetic tapes, there are two schemes: daily and weekly store copies.
Daily guard copy on magnetic tapes: each 24 hours is made a total SPP guard copy. For this process, there are 18 different magnetic tapes in a rotary scheme. It is used one magnetic tape each day, and it is overwritten the magnetic tape with the oldest guard copy. It gives a guard copy of up to 25 days.
Weekly guard copy on magnetic tapes: every week (on Saturdays) it is made another total guard copy in magnetic tape. For this copy there are 10 magnetic tapes with a rotary scheme. Every new guard copy is made over the magnetic tape which has the older copy, what gives a backup of up to 64 days.
Files in magnetic tapes are stored in “zip” format, compressed by the system of guard copy administration. In the case of an eventual failure of reading/writing the magnetic tapes, there are two reader-recorders hardware that can be exchanged. The daily and weekly’s guard copy’s magnetic tapes are saved into a container (strongbox) fire retardant.
Data base guard copy: it is applied a daily guard copy (dump) of system data base and of engine’s data base’s full, with the ability of recover up to five previous minutes to the failure. In addition, data base server is replicated in two nodes, both with RAID 1.



Máximo Sozzo (National University of Litoral , Argentina)


Revista Delito y Sociedad

Phone number
+54 (0342) 4571129

Administrative adress
2751, Candido Pujato Street, S3002 ADG, Santa Fe.