What do you check if you are the same as us? Notes about transwomen and transvestites incorporation into Argentine security forces





Genders, Police, Trans, Transvestites, Pinkwashing


This paper expect to provide some analytical coordinates to understand the transwomen and transvestites incorporation into Argentine security forces. First, the literature that has analyzed the police(s) om different gender perspectives will be reviewed to indicate the vacancy in this field of studies that incorporates identities outside of cisheterosexuality. en, the situation of structural inequality and violence experienced by the vast majority of trans women and transvestite to contribute to the contextual elements in which the participation of people om this group in the security forces is registered will be described. Finally, two paradigmatic situations in the Argentine Federal Police and the Police of the province of Buenos Aires will be analyzed through the combination of the study of documentary sources, criminal records, journalistic notes and empirical evidence of the doctoral research project that concerns me to provide reflections that help to understand these processes in located key.



How to Cite

Lascano, A. (2020). What do you check if you are the same as us? Notes about transwomen and transvestites incorporation into Argentine security forces. Delito Y Sociedad, (49), e0004. https://doi.org/10.14409/dys.2020.49.e0004


