Emergence of the Indo-Pacific framework in the United States of America, re-centralization of the Indian Ocean, and dilemmas for India entering the 21st Century





Asian re-emergence, Indo Pacific, India, Indian Ocean


The Indo-Pacific framework has gained relevance in recent decades and has come to occupy strong geopolitical centrality for the United States of America, Europe and the countries of the Indian Ocean, even positioning itself as an alternative narrative to that of the new Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The aim and contribution of this paper is to present a brief introductory review in Spanish of the emergence and proliferation of the Indo-Pacific framework; to indicate and contextualize the geo-economic re-centralization of the Indian Ocean; and to introduce a series of impressions of India's external posture, its role and challenges in this context. Relevance is given to geo-historical elements relating to the Indian Ocean and contemporary geopolitical and geo-economic dynamics surrounding the Indian Ocean and India. Explanatory maps are introduced and a review of authors and official documents from both India and other South Asian and Western countries is made.

Author Biography

Manuel Gonzalo, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Universidad Nacional de Chilecito - Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales, Argentina

Licenciado en Economía por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magíster en Economía y Desarrollo Industrial por la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y Doctor en Economía por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro (UFRJ, Brasil). Es docente-investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) y en la Universidad Nacional de Chilecito (UNdeC). Además, es co-coordinador del grupo de trabajo sobre Asia del Sur en el Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI).


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How to Cite

Gonzalo, M. (2024). Emergence of the Indo-Pacific framework in the United States of America, re-centralization of the Indian Ocean, and dilemmas for India entering the 21st Century. Desarrollo, Estado Y Espacio, 3(1), 0041. https://doi.org/10.14409/rdee.2024.1.0041