El control de empresas estatales en la encrucijada. La comisión nacional de regulación del transporte y las nuevas sociedades ferroviarias en Argentina


  • Julián Bertranou Universidad Nacional de San Martin / Universidad Nacional de Cuyo




Regulatory Agencies, Control, CNRT, State Companies, Railways


Regulatory agencies were created in the 90’s in the context of public utilities privatization processes, to control the new private operators. In recent years, these agencies were required to control the newly nationalized companies. This is the case of the Na tional Regulatory Transport Commission (CNRT in Spanish), in charge of controlling the performance of new state railway companies. Difficulties arose with this control due to some legal uncertainties and to the companies’ reluctance to cooperate. This situation worsens an already disorganized railway sector and negatively affects service quality and safety. A new interorganizational coordination and cooperation arrangement is necessary.



How to Cite

Bertranou, J. (2021). El control de empresas estatales en la encrucijada. La comisión nacional de regulación del transporte y las nuevas sociedades ferroviarias en Argentina. Documentos Y Aportes En Administración Pública Y Gestion Estatal, 20(34), 7–43. https://doi.org/10.14409/daapge.v20i34.10056