Las empresas públicas subnacionales en Argentina: hibridez organizacional y aspectos de su gobernanza interjurisdiccional
state-owned enterprises, subnational states, Argentina, hybrid organizationsAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the forms that organizational hybridity assumes in subnational state-owned enterprises in Argentina —specifically, in those at the provincial level—; as well as the characteristics of the relations with the owner state and the national state, as a basis for the study of their interjurisdictional governance. The paper is based on a comparative analysis of four cases of provincial state-owned enterprise, using primary and secondary sources. Among other aspects, it is highlighted that the orientation of the companies analyzed includes a relevant presence of their public mission, although coexisting with varying degrees of commercial objectives. Likewise, the link with the owner state is mostly hierarchical, without ignoring different levels of managerial autonomy. Finally, the predominant relations with the national state are generally characterized by cooperation, usually in terms of the implementation of public policies, which reinforces the centrality of the companies' public mission.
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