Programas de transferencia Condicionada frente a frente: Los casos de Chile, Paraguay y Colombia (2000–2012)


  • Cecilia Osorio Gonnet Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)
  • José Miguel Vergara Hermosilla Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)



Policy Aims, Policy Tools, Conditional Cash Transfer programs, Latin America and Policy Transfer


The wave of diffusion of the Conditional Transfer Programs (CCTs) in Latin America generated a group of programs with common characteristics, but also certain divergences. This article offers a comparative look at the programs of three countries: Chile, Colombia and Paraguay distinguishing their components and the internal coherence between aims and means. The findings show diversity in the programs, different levels of coherence between the aims pursued and means used, as well as evidence of process of transfer among countries. All of it poses challenges for the comprehension of the social policy making process in Latin America.



How to Cite

Osorio Gonnet, C., & Vergara Hermosilla, J. M. (2019). Programas de transferencia Condicionada frente a frente: Los casos de Chile, Paraguay y Colombia (2000–2012). Documentos Y Aportes En Administración Pública Y Gestion Estatal, 19(32), 109–140.