Good editorial practices

Good Editorial Practices

Policy of non-exclusive rights transfer and open access

In line with the open access policy, publishing or reading El taco en la brea incurs no charges for the author or reader. El taco encourages authors to deposit their contributions in other institutional repositories, favoring true archival policies that ensure the survival and access to texts that, in most cases, are the product of work funded by state agencies.

The magazine reaffirms the open access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available, with full text freely and openly accessible on the Internet without temporary embargoes, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy proposes to break down the economic barriers that create inequalities in both access to information and the publication of research results.

The content is licensed under the Licencia Creative Commons Atribución–No Comercial–Compartir Igual 4.0 Internacional

Acceptance of the text by the journal implies non-simultaneous submission to other journals or editorial bodies and the non-exclusive transfer of the authors' property rights to the publisher, who allows reuse after editing (post print), provided that: a) authorship and the original source of its publication (journal, publisher, and work URL) are cited; b) they are not used for commercial purposes.

A "Copyright Transfer" note (available here) must be completed by the authors of the articles and sent to the email address of the journal and the publisher of the National University of Litoral.

Weekly backup on magnetic tape: every week (on Saturdays), a complete backup copy is made on a magnetic tape. For this backup copy, a rotating scheme with 10 magnetic tapes is used. Each new backup is made on the magnetic tape that contains the oldest backup copy, providing a total backup time of up to 64 days.

The backup files on the magnetic tape are stored in "zip" format, compressed by the backup management system. In case of a possible failure of the magnetic tape reading/writing equipment, two reading/writing devices are available for exchange. The magnetic tapes for daily and weekly backup copies are stored inside a fireproof container (safe).

Database backup: a daily backup copy (dump) of the system's database is applied, along with a complete backup copy of the database engine with recovery capacity for up to (5) five minutes prior to the crash. Additionally, the database server is replicated on two nodes, and both have RAID 1.


Digital Preservation Policies

The journal "El Taco en la Brea" is available in the Institutional Repository of the National University of Litoral, in the National System of Digital Repositories (SNRD) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Productive Innovation of the Nation, in the Unified Database (BDU2), a harvester of institutional repositories developed by the Consortium of Universities SIU, dependent on the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Nation, and in the service of the Argentine National Center of ISSN developed by CAICYT-CONICET called National Bibliography of Registered Periodical Publications (BINPAR):


Ethical Aspects and Conflicts of Interest

We assume that those who make and publish in "El Taco en la Brea" are aware of and adhere to both the CONICET document: Guidelines for ethical behavior in social sciences and humanities (Resolution No. 2857, December 11, 2006) and the document Guidelines on Good Publication Practice (Committee on Publications Ethics: COPE).


Plagiarism detection policy

To detect plagiarism, the Plagius software ( is used. This control stage is managed by the Editorial Committee, the co-director, and the deputy editor.