Poetics of the pregnancy and the mother tongue for Latin America: Ana Cristina Cesar e Tamara Kamenszain





Ana Cristina Cesar, Tamara Kamenszain, Latin American poetry, pregnancy, mother tongue


The interpretation of the literary tradition and the formation of a canon are usually based on the definition of an identity, an authorial brand, a particular style and their heritage dynamics. In the case of Latin American literature and its tradition, this definition of identity was shown to be insufficient, or inoperative, already in the formulations of its best-known thinkers like Octavio Paz, Ángel Rama or Antonio Cándido. This text intends to show as one of the most interesting ways of opposing identity, authorial and hereditary logic, the strong presence of contemporary poetic texts that work around the problems of the mother tongue —instead of a national language, a babbling, an in-fance language; of the maternal or pregnant body— which contains otherness and openness; and an economy of care and of the house, domestic life and coexistence; and not for profit. To do this, I propose the reading of some poetic texts that allow us to observe this other poetic economy, such as those by Ana Cristina César, Tamara Kamenszain and Roberta Iannamico.


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How to Cite

di Leone, L. (2022). Poetics of the pregnancy and the mother tongue for Latin America: Ana Cristina Cesar e Tamara Kamenszain. El Taco En La Brea, 2(16), e0075. https://doi.org/10.14409/eltaco.2022.16.e0075



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