The Extinction and the Spectre: towards a new metaphysics between literature and philosophy
extinction, finitude, spectre, Stiner, MorselliAbstract
The article explores, with the poetry of Wallace Stevens as a starting point, the relationships between literature and philosophy through the analysis of two intertwined problems: the extinction as the horizon of all living species on Earth and the ontological status of the spectre. On one hand, after taking into account the advantages of the notion of extinction over that of finitude (according to Heidegger’s legacy), the research is aimed to study the minimalist form of extinction that is closely related with the survival of spectres in the philosophical oeuvre of Max Stirner (1806‒1856). On the other hand, basing the research on the literary works of Guido Morselli (1916‒1973), the text examines a maximalist notion of extinction where there is not even a place for spectres. The genealogical and hermeneutical method pursues, in this way, the task of answering the question about the possibility of surpassing the metaphysics of presence with the notion of the Great Outside that is deduced from the theoretical grounds that have informed the development of the whole article.
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