The poetry of Juan L. Ortiz and the inappropriable




poetic enigma, tensión, negativity, critical work, dispossession


This paper explores the enigmatic condition of poetic discourses caused by signified and signifier’s tension. The reading emphasizes the negativity in the poetry of Juan L. Ortiz, which will be conceived as a critical work that investigates the limits of consciousness and the possibilities of poetic writing itself. His poems know and assume the distance and dispossession of poetic writing. Likewise, this lyrical corpus presents a speaker in tension with the evoked landscape. In this paper we will map some poetic operations to search the literarial space of this tension.


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How to Cite

Moure, C. (2022). The poetry of Juan L. Ortiz and the inappropriable. El Taco En La Brea, 2(16), e0084.