End‒time experience and literature as a museum





nature and history, landscape, museum, Virginia Woolf, Cécile Wajsbrot


The research of literary imagery, marginal or of unverifiable existence in formal painting before the early 20th century, reveals a landscape motif which, while defying the discourse of traditional art history as well as the aesthetic categories that governed the emergence and evolution of the genre, also renews the classical repertoire of the loci horridi. It is of particular concern here to focus on the issues at stake in this new «form of art literatura» (Didi‒Huberman, 2013:23) associated to the conception of imaginary museums where the history of images merges with the history of a nature that has long ceased to be the undisturbed environment in which the history of humankind unfolds in increasingly precarious circumstances.


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How to Cite

Gabrieloni, A. L. (2023). End‒time experience and literature as a museum. El Taco En La Brea, (18), e0122. https://doi.org/10.14409/eltaco.2023.18.e0122