Forms under suspicion: Nanacinder. Vocero de la Colonia Psiquiátrica de Bárbula (1954–1962)

Writing cases and files


  • Celiner Ascanio Barrios Universidad de las Américas



text, desire, praxis, Psychiatric Hospital, Nanacinder


A text is not always articulated from the «order of discourse». Sometimes, it is also fragmented in such a way that what is inscribed in it —and writes— is the desire to speak. It is this desire that makes it a «strange» text, «out of gender» and sometimes «unpublishable». That is to say, in a text that does not give what one wants to read, and that in spite of it says. It is a text that escapes the molds, not by rebellion but by necessity, and it is this need that originates it. The text to which we refer is created from a productivity given by language; for what it does with the language, not as an experiment, but as praxis. It is the act of writing that makes sense through words, which makes possible that aesthetic interstice where there is a possible place. Our goal is to listen to texts that have been produced from that desire and in the context of the Psychiatric Hospital of Bárbula (Venezuela), in order to analyze the ways in which writing produces an operation that takes place in the aesthetic productive practice.



How to Cite

Ascanio Barrios, C. (2020). Forms under suspicion: Nanacinder. Vocero de la Colonia Psiquiátrica de Bárbula (1954–1962): Writing cases and files. El Taco En La Brea, 2(12).