About the journal

Journal Objective

El Taco en la Brea is an exclusively electronic scientific journal, published twice a year: the issue released in May covers the period from December to May, and the one released in November covers the period from June to November. Only original and unpublished articles in Spanish and Portuguese presenting research results in the field of literary studies and not simultaneously under review by another publication will be accepted. The journal also welcomes bibliographic reviews. Both articles and reviews will be limited to the scope of literary theory and criticism and will adhere to the protocols outlined in the Submission Guidelines.

The objective of the journal is to disseminate the results of scientific research in the field of literary theory and criticism. It is intended for students, teachers, and researchers in the aforementioned areas.


Journal Frequency

El Taco en la Brea is published twice a year.

  • First edition: December/May.
  • Second edition: June/November.



The journal consists of a set of fixed sections ("Papeles de investigación," "Dossier," "Apuntes") and other occasional sections ("Archivo," "Conversaciones", "Pasajes," "Envíos").


Fixed Sections:

"Papeles de investigación": brings together scientific articles received in the permanently open call for papers.

"Dossier": presents scientific articles around a central problem in the field.

"Apuntes": section dedicated to reviews of recent scientific publications in the field of literary theory and criticism (the book reviewed must have been published within the last two years).


Occasional Sections:

"Archivo": section dedicated to housing and publicly accessing texts that have marked the agenda of literary theory and criticism and have remained unpublished.

"Conversaciones": collects interviews with writers, critics, professors, editors, etc.

"Pasajes": circulates translations of recent texts that have generated important debates in the field and/or propose new theoretical and/or methodological categories.

"Envíos": section dedicated to publishing "news" of ongoing translations that, due to not having the editorial rights, cannot be circulated. A passage is included, not exceeding the limit allowed by Argentine law for a bibliographic citation to avoid legal problems.


Section Policy

Summary of Evaluation Policies

Articles (“Papeles de investigación” section): Peer-review (two external referees, Permanent Advisory Board) - Double-blind

Dossier Articles: Peer-review (two external referees, Permanent Advisory Board) - Double-blind

Translations (“Pasajes”): Peer-review - Editorial Board

Articles in the “Archivo” section: Peer-review - Editorial Board

Interviews in the “Conversaciones” section: Peer-review - Editorial Board

Book fragments in “Envíos” section: Peer-review - Editorial Board

Reviews (“Apuntes” section): Peer-review - Editorial Board


Editorial Address:

Ediciones UNL

Bv. Pellegrini 2750

Santa Fe, Argentina

Phone number: +54 342 4571164

Website: https://www.unl.edu.ar/ediciones-unl

Email: editorial@unl.edu.ar