Custody the ethereal: advances and challenges in the legal protection of intangible heritage in Argentina
Intangible heritage, legal protection, Argentina, inventory, declarationAbstract
From the second half of the 20th century there was a progressive expansion in the goods included in the phrase "cultural heritage" including those intangible elements such as customs or significant testimonies of a culture. The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO 2003) defines the areas of intangible manifestations and establishes the inventory as an essential legal tool of protection. In Argentina, the inventory and the declaration have been used in the field of historical-artistic heritage since the 1940s. From the analysis of a set of norms, jurisprudence, and intangible heritage surveys conducted at the provincial and national level is it possible to systematize the current state of the legal regime of intangible heritage in this country. This work seeks to record the legal status of intangible heritage in Argentina from the traces that can be traced in the legislation and jurisprudence of recent years.
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