International cooperation and public policies in the GT-Itaipu/Saúde


  • Marcelino Teixeira Lisboa Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana
  • Vanessa Demarchi Peron Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE



Tríplice Fronteira, política pública, saúde na fronteira, Relações Internacionais, Itaipu Binacional


The article analyses the beginning and the actions of the Working Group Itaipu Saúde, considering the issues of international cooperation and public policies. The WG is an initiative that provides ways to solve public health problems in the region of the Triple Frontier (Argentina-Brazil- Paraguay). The paper works with interviews, documents and observations of the discussions collected during meetings of the WG Itaipu. As a result, it was possible to verify the history of the group and to understand the functioning of the WG. It was concluded that the WG started as an attempt of international cooperation, which has become a type of actor that enables public health policies in the region of the Triple Frontier.

Author Biography

Vanessa Demarchi Peron, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Vanessa Peron possui pós-graduação lato sensu em Relações Internacionais Contemporâneas pela UNILA e é mestranda em Tecnologias, Gestão e Sustentabilidade pela Universidade Estadual Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE).


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How to Cite

Lisboa, M. T., & Peron, V. D. (2019). International cooperation and public policies in the GT-Itaipu/Saúde. Estudios Sociales, 56(1), 179–202.