A new political elite? Sociological profile of the initial cabinets of «Cambiemos»


  • Paula Vera Canelo CITRA (CONICET-UMET) - FCS/UBA




elite sociology, political elite, cabinets, Cambiemos, Argentina


The article proposes an empirical and systematic analysis of the three cabinets of the government of «Cambiemos» in Argentina: that of Mauricio Macri in the Nation, that of Ma­ría Eugenia Vidal in the province of Buenos Ai­res, and that of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The study will allow, first, to characterize the general sociolo­gical profile presentted by this executive political elite as of 2015; second, to show the similarities and differences presented by the three cabinets compared; third, to identify continuities and ruptures in certain general trends in the configuration of Argen­tine political elites, linking these cabinets with others, designated by previous governments; and finally, to assess the extent to which the political personnel of «Cambiemos» constituted, or not, a new political elite in recent Argentina.



How to Cite

Canelo, P. V. (2021). A new political elite? Sociological profile of the initial cabinets of «Cambiemos». Estudios Sociales, 60(1), 143–182. https://doi.org/10.14409/es.v60i1.8959