Conflicts around access to drinking water in the Felix U. Camet, Buenos Aires province neighborhood: from problematization to action




drinking water, pollution, social conflicts, critical extension, participatory action research


This article describes and reflects on the work of Grupo Aguas, Mar del Plata National University, in Félix U. Camet neighborhood (Ptdo. Gral. Pueyrredón, Buenos Aires, Argentina) between 2008–2012, where an organization process was developed around the problem of non–potable water consumption. The objective of the article is to analyze the actions from the perspective of Critical Extension and Participatory Action Research, through interviews and documentation review. Thus, it is clear that the action of the Grupo Aguas was fundamental in establishing the processes underlying the problem, and in the consolidation of a group of neighbors who demanded actions from the State. On the other hand, it is seen that scientific knowledge is resignified when it is collectively appropriate to make known the needs of the territory and contribute to promoting actions aimed at achieving the transformation of the problem.


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How to Cite

Lupi, L., Ceretta, M. B., Peruzzaro, G. M., & Pinciroli, J. (2021). Conflicts around access to drinking water in the Felix U. Camet, Buenos Aires province neighborhood: from problematization to action. +E: University Extension Journal, 11(14.Ene-Jun), e0010.