Review / The paths of extension in Colombia


  • Ricardo Santiago Puca Molina Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Argentina



In the book The paths of extension in Colombia the reader will find a product of great academic value that gives an account of the trajectory of one of the substantive functions of higher education in that country. It takes up the objectives of the triad generated by the National University of La Pampa (Argentina) and made up of the examples The paths of Argentine university extension, The paths of extension in Latin America and the Caribbean and The paths of extension at the University Nacional de La Pampa, all of them with the present spirit of dear friend and teacher Jorge Orlando Castro.



How to Cite

Puca Molina, R. S. (2021). Review / The paths of extension in Colombia. +E: University Extension Journal, 11(14.Ene-Jun), e0011.