Review / University community engagement: State of the art and reflections in context




community engagement, Chilean universities, civic engagement, university social responsibility, third mission


Community engagement in Chile is approaching a new stage of institutionalization that deserves the attention of engaged scholars in Latin America. By 2025, all universities will have to be accredited in community engagement. This book is an entry point to learn about the Chilean community engagement system and understand its internal contradictions. The review provides the legislative context on community engagement in Chile and a description of the five chapters. For readers in Latin America, it is an introductory book to how the institutionalization of community engagement is experienced through accountability in a highly privatized university system. For readers in Chile, the book contributes to consolidate a critical view of community engagement that has been emerging since 2016 and innovates by jointly presenting the voices of private and public universities.




How to Cite

Flores, M. G. (2023). Review / University community engagement: State of the art and reflections in context . +E: University Extension Journal, 13(19.Jul-Dic), e0016.