Feminist and sexual diversity activisms in non–metropolitan cities: reflections on collaborative ethnography





feminist and sexual diversity activism, non-metropolitan cities, collaborative ethnography, collective mapping, biographical narratives


The article aims to reflect on the experience of a university extension–research project developed at the National University of Rafaela that recuperates collaborative ethnography as a theoretical–methodological approach for the co–construction of knowledge. For this purpose, we describe the collaborative work carried out with feminist and sexual diversity activists in the cities of Rafaela and Esperanza during the year 2023 and we reflect on the implementation of two techniques used to develop the project: collective mapping and biographical narratives. The selection of these techniques facilitated the production of a collective knowledge through the recovery of the experiences, narratives and knowledge of activists, and the construction of a diagnostic analysis on the problems, demands, access, violations, and practices of transformation that concern citizenship in the area of gender and sexuality.

Author Biographies

Leila Abdala, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Argentina,

Doctor in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the National University of Rafaela (UNRaf). Her lines of research are gender, sexuality and health studies, with a focus on socio-anthropological studies of reproduction.

Leila Martina Passerino, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Argentina.

Doctor in Social Sciences (UBA). Associate researcher at the Rafaela Research and Transfer Center (CONICET and UNRaf). Associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the UNRAf. Her lines of research are gender, sexuality and health studies, with a focus on health/illness/care processes, citizenship and sexual rights.

Denise Zenklusen, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Argentina.

Doctor in Anthropology (UBA). Assistant Researcher at the Rafaela Research and Transfer Center (CONICET and UNRaf). Associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of UNRaf. Regular adjunct professor at the Faculty of Social Work of the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER). Her lines of research are migrations and mobilities in intermediate cities from a gender perspective.

Victoria Batiston, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Argentina.

Graduate in Social Communication. Doctoral scholar at the Rafaela Research and Transfer Center (CONICET and UNRaf). Adjunct professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of UNRaf. Her lines of research are related to the study of socio-community communication practices in traditional media and new digital media, from a human rights and gender perspective.


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How to Cite

Abdala, L., Passerino, L. M., Zenklusen, D., & Batiston, V. (2024). Feminist and sexual diversity activisms in non–metropolitan cities: reflections on collaborative ethnography . +E: University Extension Journal, 14(20.Ene-Jun), e0012. https://doi.org/10.14409/extension.2024.20.Ene-Jun.e0012