University extension through registration. Contributions and reflections on a methodological tool




records, extension practices, methodological tool, academic writing, university extension


The present contribution proposes to approach registration as a methodological tool situated in the field of university extension and in relation to learning processes in the devices. The objective focuses, on the one hand, on presenting the main characteristics of the construction of records of experiences throughout extension practices, their scope and limitations. On the other hand, to reflect on the pedagogical instances where we read those records, a “theoretical decentering” that allows us to establish associations, formulate unanticipated questions, generate hypotheses. Two moments that mutually feed back. In this sense, we consider registration to be a methodological tool of great cognitive value that allows us to recover experiences, and becomes raw material for the interpretation and analysis of those processes in dialogue with theory through writing instances.

Author Biographies

María del Valle Bácerez, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.

Graduate in Social Work. Master in Social Work from UNER. Teacher in the Social Work Subject. Its configuration as a profession and discipline and the Thesis Design Seminar of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Work of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences (FCJS) of the National University of the Litoral (UNL). Teacher member of the coordinating team of Registration and Systematization Workshops in Experiential Education Extension Practices organized by the Secretariat of Social and Cultural Extension of UNL. Teaching member in the research project “The professionalization of Social Work in Santa Fe, from its institutional origins in the 1940s to the 1970s.”

Nanci Díaz, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina.

Graduate in Social Service. Professor of the chairs of Contemporary Debates in Social Work and Professional Ethics: its configuration as a profession and discipline of the Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (FCJS–UNL). Professor of the ISPI Social Risk Problematization Space No. 4035 Brigadier López. Professor of the Social Research chair at the ISPI Argentine Red Cross. Head Social Worker of the Interdisciplinary Team of Secondary School No. 8245. Teacher member of the coordinating team of Registration and Systematization Workshops in Experiential Education Extension Practices organized by the Secretariat of Social and Cultural Extension of UNL.


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How to Cite

Bácerez, M. del V., & Díaz, N. (2024). University extension through registration. Contributions and reflections on a methodological tool. +E: University Extension Journal, 14(20.Ene-Jun), e0006.