Extension, technical advisory and popular housing: Pueblo Nazaré and the occupation Fearless People of Porto Alegre (Brazil)
University extension, occupations, technical assistance, popular housing, urban planning, BrazilAbstract
The article reports on the activiti escarried out by the Emerging Urban Practices (2019) extension project in two territories in Porto Alegre – RS: Vila Nazaré and occupation Povo Sem Medo de Porto Alegre. In its second edition, the extension project guided its actions in the technical consultancy in Architecture and Urban Planning and in the debate on the right to the city and decent housing. The Village and the occupation must be understood in the contexto of the expansion of the runway of the landings and take off of the International Airport Salgado Filho and the consequente removal of families from their territory. The actions carried out and the debates that emerged from the extension project took two assumptions as a reference: the proposal for critical, participatory and solidary education (Betto, 2018) and the concepts of dialogicity and praxis (Freire, 1987).
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