The future of young people as an object of sociological reflection: a practice of extension of experiential education in high schools in Santa Fe




extension, sociology, youth, transition, education


Given the increasing articulation of extension and experiential education in Universidad Nacional del Litoral’s curriculum, this article presents a series of meetings and didactic devices that have been developed by Introduction to Sociology in an Experiential Education Extension Practice. This experience was intended to reflect, from the tools provided by sociology, with the students of the chair and those of the different schools with which we articulate throughout the project, about the uncertainty about the future that crosses the youth in the specific context of the completion of the obligatory education stage. Here we present the main theoretical guidelines that delineated the practice, the importance of the attitude of "denaturation" in the proposed pedagogical devices, and the findings and learning obtained from the experience.



How to Cite

Serovich, L., Garcilazo, J., Trevignani, V., & Stehli, M. (2020). The future of young people as an object of sociological reflection: a practice of extension of experiential education in high schools in Santa Fe. +E: University Extension Journal, 10(12).