Santa Fe Intersectoral Health Group: a collective participation strategy for dengue prevention




Intersectoral Board of Health, public health policies, dengue prevention, local governments, community health, universtity extension


UNL’s School of Medical Sciences takes part in the “Health Intersectoral Board” (or MTI, in Spanish) of Santa Fe City to encourage the bond with the different parts of the territory and to introduce a place to address content, and which also allows the exchange of knowledge and the development of professionals with a Primary Health Care profile.
The MTI promotes the involvement of the community in public policies. This strengthens the ability to detect territory problems, and to think and carry out actions that bring solutions and tools for people to take care of themselves and improve their health.
In this context, dismissal campaigns were coordinated in the city´s neighborhoods that were mostly affected by dengue during 2019 in order to prevent the disease.
The article aims to analyze the relationships of the subjects who participated in the dengue prevention campaigns in 2019, their roles, interests, strengths and weaknesses working in the territory, the impact of the intervention on them and in what way these activities are presented as an opportunity to develop content from various disciplines of the Medicine career.


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How to Cite

Blesio, H. (2020). Santa Fe Intersectoral Health Group: a collective participation strategy for dengue prevention. +E: University Extension Journal, 10(12).