Intangible cultural heritage and the construction of subjectivities. Approaches from university extension in the revaluation of collective memory in Ongay Neighborhood, Corrientes




memory, heritage, subjectivity, identity, university extension


This article proposes to share theoretical assumptions, methodology and results obtained in a project aimed in the contribution for the construction of subjectivities based on a proposal focused on aspects related to intangible cultural heritage, specifically, those configured in the territory of the Ongay neighborhood of the city of Corrientes. The project was developed at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Cultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, within the framework of a program of the Secretariat for University Policies, (SPU), (2016–2017).
We present both the experience, and reflections and results regarding a sociocultural process, which took place from the link between the University, the Institute of Culture of the Province of Corrientes and the neighborhood community mentioned above. The purpose of the project was to achieve an approximation to the woven relationship between the social plot and the cultural expressions produced and selected by the neighbors as referents of some shared identities.



How to Cite

Sudar Klappenbach, L., & Arruzazabala, L. (2020). Intangible cultural heritage and the construction of subjectivities. Approaches from university extension in the revaluation of collective memory in Ongay Neighborhood, Corrientes. +E: University Extension Journal, 10(13.Jul-Dic), e0014.