Interaction between the extension and the research involved in approaching the fishing complex productivity problems in Uruguay




fishing, fishing complex, Uruguay, university extension, investigation


The objective of this work was describing and analyzing a research and extension experience with the workers of the Intergremial Marítima of Uruguay, who questioned the sustainability of the industrial fishing exploitation model. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for data collection and analysis, including active participation among social actors (participatory research). Considering the fishing complex as a productive complex, the bonds of the syndicate with the interdisciplinary university team are described from an extensive perspective. This includes, the co–production of knowledge, the appropriation of it by the actors and the alternative proposals to the exploitation model that has been questioned. The research time was reconciled with the urgencies of the social actors who demanded the intervention. From identifying critical issues, the extension process allowed us to establish proposals for changes to the exploitation model and the challenge of building a research agenda from the extension activity.



How to Cite

Galli, O., Mendy, M., & Norbis, W. (2020). Interaction between the extension and the research involved in approaching the fishing complex productivity problems in Uruguay. +E: University Extension Journal, 10(13.Jul-Dic), e0016.