About the Journal
Information about the Magazine
Approach and scope
Itinerarios Educativos is an annual publication that places in dialogue various works that bring advances in the knowledge of
the topics proposed for each issue, on educational topics. Its main objectives are to disseminate the activities of INDI and
promote the socialization of pedagogical innovations, progress reports or thesis summaries, research results and other actions
related to education. It also aims to facilitate exchanges with other faculties and institutions linked to teacher training,
always aimed at providing a space for reflection on these issues.
ISSN: 1850-3853 (corresponds to the printed version)
ISSN: 2362-5554 (corresponds to the digital version)
Year of Start: 2006
Periodicity: Annual
Spanish Language
Main themes: Education. Teacher Training Teaching. Learning. Education system.
Publisher: Ediciones UNL. Extension Secretariat of the UNL
Email: revistadelindi@fhuc.unl.edu.ar
Code of editorial ethics
This publication has a "Code of ethics and good scientific editorial practices", in which it clarifies that texts that are
apology of the crime, contain inappropriate language (unless absolutely necessary in the context of the writing), are not
allowed. offensive to some sector of the population -because of reasons of gender, sexual, religious, political or ideological
preferences-. commitment to guarantee the respect and integrity of the works already published. In this sense, also plagiarism
is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as plagiarism or its content is fraudulent, will not be admitted by the
magazine. The prohibition of any text that does not comply with these guidelines is at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
Apart from this, there is no requirement or limitation for the publication of texts.