Two research methods for studying sexual diversity at school: ethnography and case study


  • Matías Sbodio (Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) - Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias del Litoral (IHuCSo), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina.



sexual diversity, school, case study, ethnography


This article discusses and reflects on the methods selected for the development of a qualitative research work that explores school conflicts that affect sexual diversity. Four middle schools of Santa Fe, Argentina, become the scenario for grasping teachers and students’ − belonging or not to LGBT+ communities − perceptions of sexuality. First, research objectives and the case study method are presented. The case is addressed as a system with constraints (Stake, 1995). This method is so versatile that enables a simultaneous analysis considering multiple overlapping social aspects (Yin, 1989), which is highly convenient for school observations. Second, our work poses a reflection on the potentialities of ethnography to strengthen methodological design. During field work development, the researcher’s personal life story at school − determined by his sexual orientation − can act as both a motivation and a constraint. For that reason, two meanings of ethnography proposed by Rosana Guber (2001) (ethnography as an approach and as a method) were included with particular emphasis on the importance of the notion of reflexivity for field work development.



How to Cite

Sbodio, M. (2021). Two research methods for studying sexual diversity at school: ethnography and case study. Itinerarios Educativos, (15), e0016.