Social bonds-related positions. Institutional ars operandi for mapping desire


  • Facundo Rodríguez Arcolia Universidad Nacional de La Matanza



bond, arts of care, availability, political gestures


Bond trades is a syntagm that gathers various professions together. In spite of their heterogeneity of scopes and concerns, they coincide with the complex task of being present and intervening in the lives of subjects with a role guided by the arts of care. The action of caring constitutes the core of each of these trades, enabling spaces for what is not being heard and what is not being considered by others. In this sense, social bonds-related positions deal with what is possible to do to transform empty spaces into new ways through the elusive desire to counteract symbolic emptiness and the dissolution of institutional borders caused by certain tedious policies. The bond of these positions arises as a strategy, ars operandi to combine interventions that swing between gift and contract in a Moebius way.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Arcolia, F. (2021). Social bonds-related positions. Institutional ars operandi for mapping desire. Itinerarios Educativos, (15), e0020.