Idóneos in High School

Hypotheses about their Knowledge about Teaching


  • Alba María Gamarra Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina



knowledge, idóneos, teaching, teaching training


Within the framework of the Doctorado en Sentidos, Teorías and Prácticas de la Educación studied at Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias in Universidad Nacional del Litoral, this communication summarizes the findings of the thesis, which aims to investigate idóneos in high school, that is, those teachers who do not have a pedagogical degree to teach what they teach but they are working as teachers. The work presents several approaches to the topic, from analysis of national and jurisdictional statistics of the province of Entre Rios to the search of the word «idóneo» in provincial school documents which account for the significant number of idóneos who work, especially, in  Entre Rios secondary schools. 

But our research focuses on their knowledge and, more precisely, on their knowledge about teaching. This thesis proposes a broader view than identifying shortcomings and proposes another way of approaching the issue. It focuses on investigating how they built knowledge about teaching, what their sources are, what is the relationship they have with that knowledge, what characteristics this knowledge has, what they prioritize when they are working as teachers and what they use to hold the complex processes of teaching and learning if they have not gone through a process of institutionalized teacher training, among other no less important issues. Some hypotheses that arise from experiences, readings, surveys and interviews with idóneos are presented.

Author Biography

Alba María Gamarra, Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay, Argentina

Doctora en Sentidos, Teorías y Prácticas de la Educación, Magíster en Didácticas Específicas otorgados por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral.  Actualmente trabajo en la Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay como Coordinadora del Profesorado de Enseñanza Superior, Ciclo de Complementación Pedagógica para Profesionales y Coordinadora de la Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa


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How to Cite

Gamarra, A. M. (2024). Idóneos in High School: Hypotheses about their Knowledge about Teaching . Itinerarios Educativos, (21), e0075.